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2017/12/27 16:39:51瀏覽523|回應2|推薦10

Chinas Mainland will host next Basketball World Cup in 2018, and now the qualification games of several divisions are on.  Though China is the host of the sports gala, already qualified to the game, still she dispatches a team, not the all-star one, to participate the competition.  In last month, the team beat South Korea national team at Seoul, and critiques highly extolled Yao Ming, the new chairman of China basketball association, for the achievement out of his reform.

According to report, Yao has acquired another "feat".  Recently in FIBA official website the formal name of Chinese Taipei has been changed to Taiwan, Province of China.  Needless to say, in exasperation Taiwan would have protested against such a change.  Maybe the name argument is still at issue, I am not sure, but it is a brokenhearted news for some people of Taiwan, and that is for sure.

The good news is, the name will help Taiwan gain its publicity in "international" sports events.  After all, isnt "Taiwan instead of Chinese Taipei" what Taidu has been asking for? 

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2017/12/29 03:01
I think Taidu will like Taiwan but conern the "Province of China".
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-12-29 15:26 回覆:
Yeah, but they are all like ostriches.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
Taiwan China
2017/12/27 18:35
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-12-28 15:36 回覆:
You bet!