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2017/12/11 17:01:32瀏覽483|回應0|推薦13

This is the orange tree in the front yard of my daughters.  Isnt it a bumper crop?  Actually, the similar scene is not unusual to be seen here in the residential areas of California.  Besides orange, there are also trees of lemon, persimmon, avocado, and so on in many a front or back yard, especially of single houses.  (The famous California grapes are found in large plantations only.)  I do envy Cal state is exceptionally rich in fruits due to its adequate climate.

I estimate the tree carries at least 500 fresh and plump oragnges.  In Taiwan, the harvest may be a small fortune when they are sold in conventional markets; but for the individual owners here, all they can do is to consume the fruits all by themselves, or give them away to friends, relatives, birds, insects, or dump them to compost heaps.       

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