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A record-breaking performance? Kindly prove it.
2017/08/29 13:23:04瀏覽425|回應1|推薦7

Chinese Taipei athlete Zheng threw a spear as far as over 91 meters, a distance exceeding that of Asian record of the javelin, at The 29th Summer Universiade in Taipei.  Lets, all islanders and all Mainlanders, say congratulations to Zheng, provided his performance is a genuine one.

In World Field and Truck Championship just held a month ago or so, Zheng threw 77+ meters and didnt qualify to reach the final.  If you are interested in sports, especially in field and truck, you would know its almost impossible for an athlete to advance his or her performance that much within a month, not even taking drug as a boost. 

Some report from Mainland doubted the veracity of Zhengs performance.  The sources assumed the spear used in the game had been the one no longer recognized  by IAAF any more.  But people of Taiwan retorted that IAAF had already released the news on its official website as the evidence to answer back the doubts. 

Well, IAAF released the news didnt necessarily mean it had recognized the new record.  I think right now Taipei should give us a clarification on which kind of the spear used in the game.  We are all proud of Zhengs performance if he used the right spear; otherwise, Taiwan will be a laughing stock again in "international" society.      

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2017/08/29 16:06
Wow! I'd like to know too!懷疑
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-08-30 02:10 回覆:
Let's wait and see.