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NBA Final Game Three
2017/06/08 12:33:40瀏覽318|回應1|推薦2

Just now I finished watching the game three of NBA final.  My idol Kevin Durant didnt disappointed me, and he almost beat Cavaliers single-handedly in the final minutes.  He must be awarded FMVP should Warriors win the title, which will be a real possibility.

Durants biggest rival LeBron James of Cavaliers also acquitted himself briliantly tonight.  Besides his last three-ponter attempt was blocked, he was almost flawless all the night.  But as same as previous two games, his most effective means of scoring, powerful lay-ups and dunks, was disappeared in the final minutes mainly due to his weariness after three strenuous quarters; after all, at 33 he is not physically young in the NBA court any more.  Unlike Michael Jordan, mid-ranged jump shot has never been his forte, so at the same age as James, Jordan could still rely on his dependable but relatively easy jump shot to win the games and championships.  I think that makes the difference, and Michael Jordan is still absolutely unique in NBA history. 

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118 : 113
2017/06/08 13:10
I did too and I hope that they'll have a sweep over the Cavaliers in this series.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-06-09 02:44 回覆:
May I say "Great minds think alike"?