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2006/04/01 21:29:21瀏覽996|回應4|推薦41 | |
作者:Sujata 譯者:Cheng Chen-huang 【語錄】 1. at the end of the day make a list of the good things which happened to you 在每天的盡頭 列一張表寫下 發生在你身上的好事情 2. be kind and merciful let no one ever come to you without going away better and happier 慈悲關懷 讓每一個來到你跟前的人 離開你時 能夠更美好 更快樂 3. meditation does not necessarily make us feel good but it does awaken us to the many things we do feel 坐禪不見得會讓我們覺得好過 但確實會讓我們了了分明我們的一切感覺 4. our characters are developed by persistent practice if we practice love we become more loving if we practice patience we become more patient if we practice generosity we become more generous 我們的性格 可以由精進修行來培養 如果我們修持慈悲 就可以變得更慈悲 如果我們修持忍辱 就可以變得更能忍辱 如果我們修持布施 就可以變得更有能力布施 5. our mind is a garden by selecting what it thinks upon, we can grow either thorny weeds or beautiful tender flowers (but even a little weed can learn to grow flowers) 心就是一座花園 我們想什麼 它就長什麼 或雜草叢生 或鮮花滿園 (但即使是一株雜草 也可以學習開花) 6. every day you are responsible for how you feel no one can make you unhappy or nervous 每一天你都要為自己的感覺負責 誰都不能讓你不快樂或緊張 7. are you content with where you are right now? because “right nows” are all you have 你滿意當下的你嗎? 因為「當下」是你所能擁有的一切
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