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Technology at KCIS
2013/11/19 14:01:07瀏覽1115|回應0|推薦0

  國際部教務處組長Steven Bates(如下圖)分享康橋國際學校如何在教學現場,透過運用各項科技設備軟硬體,讓教學變得更清楚而且有效率。學校應用於先進科技產品,目前已與英美加澳等國家都同步。其實,教師的觀念以及使用習慣也必定需要隨時update,改變過去的教學行為、思維,學習親近並善用新硬體設備與軟體操作。康橋國際學校的最大優勢就是教師們願意不斷進化自身的專業發展、教學方法、習慣、與信念。而必要一提的是-強大的資訊研究團隊更是我們的幕後功臣。

  文中還推薦幾個適合孩子學習的網站、LMS的優點,最後一段說得精彩到位"Embracing the use of technology in the classroom is a positive way to influence student learning.    Giving students the freedom to discover meanings on their own ...... "。我想,從教師、教學者release正確而且適當的觀念,而且即時update,提供孩子接觸新學習媒體的機會,孩子們一定也能夠正向地回應。時代隨時在轉變,我們很難預料未來的世界,我們需要更嶄新、更具效率的version 才行微笑

  One area of education that is rapidly changing is that of technology in the classroom.  Websites and instructional tools that were popular a handful of years ago all too quickly become obsolete.  Trying to keep up with these developments is a challenge for teachers and students alike, but luckily KCIS(Kang Chiao International School) is blessed with an abundance of teachers keen to be at the cutting edge of experimenting with new technology.

  Giving teachers and students access to the latest technology is an essential first step towards addressing this challenge.  Every classroom at KCIS is equipped with a interactive projector, allowing teachers to incorporate multimedia presentations into their lessons.  The interactive nature of the smart projector means that students are not relegated to sitting at their desks, but can share their work with their classmates on the interactive board, which can then be saved for later revision.

  The use of online Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as Schoology, Engrade, and Edmodo have become popular additions to the classroom.  In the past, teachers kept physical grade books, or entered their grades into Excel spreadsheets.  One of the problems with this practice was that students needed to ask the teacher what their current grades were.  By using a LMS, students are able to log into their class and get up to date information on their progress.  This change in process helps students to become more independent, and take more responsibility for their learning.  Also, becoming familiar with a variety of systems helps to prepare students for tertiary education, where the use of LMS’s is vital for keeping up to date.  In addition to these sites, teachers are provided with access to popular educational websites, such as Edhelper and Brainpop. These websites provide an abundance of support materials that can assist teachers with lesson planning by providing activities to promote differentiated instruction in their classrooms. 

  This year we see our second group of grade seven students enter the iPad pilot program.  Instead of carrying heavy textbooks to and from school, students in the 7A and 7B homerooms use their iPads and e-Book versions of the texts in their Chinese, math, science, and social studies classes.  A report by Kathy Ann Mills and Amanda Levido for the academic journal, “The Reading Teacher” in September 2011, found that students approached writing tasks with significantly greater enthusiasm and a readiness to produce texts than when writing with pencils on paper.  By introducing our students to new literacies, we are equipping them with the skills and strategies that will allow them to become effective digital citizens in the future. 

  One of my strong beliefs about teaching and learning is that education is what a student can do with information, and not how much information a child has.  Embracing the use of technology in the classroom is a positive way to influence student learning.  Giving students the freedom to discover meanings on their own and take control of their studies is surely one of the greatest reasons to try and incorporate these technologies wherever possible in the classroom.

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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