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【2021秀岡校區】DAY05—10B 單車環臺,見證了我們的青春、熱情、團結
2021/04/26 08:56:46瀏覽745|回應0|推薦0

With a combination of excitement and nervousness, we attended the Kang Chiao “Cycling Around Taiwan” Trip. Before the actual trip, the school has scheduled 8 trainings to slowly yet surely increase our understanding of the bike, the road, and the 12 day venture ahead of us. 
However, not every training was filled with rainbows and butterflies. The weather was not always pretty. There was the blazing sun, the howling wind, the pouring rain… But that is what we will definitely face during our journey around Taiwan. The roads were not always smooth and traffic-free. There were the busy avenues, splitting up our line; there were the ups and downs of the narrow mountain trails, with large trucks passing by centimeters away from our bikes; there were also pedestrians on the streets, making us bring our bikes to a halt to dodge them --- These different situations are all meant to test our biking  skills, preparing us for the trip around Taiwan.
The principal said: “One can go fast, but all can travel far”. We aim not to go fast, but to, slowly and surely, cross the finish line together as a group. Cycling across Taiwan one of the most meaningful endeavors a child of Taiwan should do. It is what defines us as Taiwanese. At this moment, we are achieving this goal. 
One step at a time, we get to personally experience the beauty and wonders of this island we call home, and why it is known as “the island of beauty”. Most of us are born and raised right here. Getting to know and understand the island “Formosa” is the best proof of our love towards this land.
Despite the hardships along the way, with teamwork and support from each other, one step at a time we crossed every hill, and we withstood every storm thrown at us. Like the steep Huacheng Road training, the seemingly endless Beiyi highway, and the hot battle under the sun at shouka, with the power of all students and teachers, we successfully completed every challenge, setting one after another milestone. 
        感謝學校舉辦這個活動!而能參加環臺(包括訓練)是幸運的:它磨鍊著我們的意志,知道每一步堅持不懈的踩踏,都讓我們更加接近完成夢想;近二週的每天二十四小時相處、騎乘路上,互相鼓勵,都讓班級更加有凝聚力,WE ARE FAMILY,因為我們曾是共患難的兄弟姊妹。
Thanks you Kang Chiao for arranging this special event! The trip has not only improved us physically, but it has also taught us persistence and grit, and we also increase our teamwork abilities. WE ARE FAMILY, weve been through so much together. 
Lastly, thank you to all of the teachers who helped us along the way, and we wish everyone can successfully complete this trip. Cycling around Taiwan, it is a representation of our youth, passion, and teamwork; this trip will be the collection of all our efforts, and will be remembered forever as the memories we once made together those 12 days under the summer breeze of Taiwan. 
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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