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【2021秀岡校區】DAY04—10A 克服難關 終能看見盡頭的美景
2021/04/23 09:29:34瀏覽657|回應0|推薦0



  天氣就如同校長所說的多變,不會永遠是晴天,第二天的天氣陰雨綿綿,騎乘的過程中,雨從雨帽帽沿滑落至我們的臉頰,落在我們的衣服上,這時已不知臉上滑落的到底是雨水、汗水或者淚水,眼前朦朧一片,深怕一不留神就會撞上前面的同學或者自己不慎摔倒。天氣反覆無常,午後時分烈日高照,那樣悶熱潮濕的氣候,使得我們渾身不自在,也同時讓這段旅程增添了幾分困難,但對於我們來說, 這是一趟風雨無阻的旅程,因次我們依然順利的完成了今天的公里數。

  身為前兩個出發的班級,我們必須自己挑戰這兩天的旅程,沒有機會借鏡他人的經驗 ,在茫然中,一切都是未知數的當下,一句俗話浮現在腦中「關關難過,關關過」於是我們克服了重重關卡,最終來到了今天的尾聲,順利地為今天的旅程劃上了句點。

 In these two days, we tramped over mountains and went through ravines, stepping onto our bikes, ready to face this journey full of challenges. The breathtaking East Rift Valley has the blue sky complimented with clouds and is full of glossy green rice fields like the ones in paintings. On our way, Mother Nature comforts us spiritually, and while the breezy wind caresses us, it also reminds us that the faraway land were heading in our next milestone/landmark. As we pedal through each step, sweat forming on our foreheads, feeling exhausted yet excited, nothing beats our desire and determination for both the event and the willpower to conquer each obstacle. There have been multiple up hills, steep hills, and all of our worst nightmares. However, all the pieces of training the school have prepared for us have been of tremendous use. Because of all the training, we can climb up all kinds of hills. Because of all the training, our trip isnt as hard as we imagined.

 Just like Principle Hsu mentioned several times before, the weather wont always be on our side. On the fourth day, the weather was grey and rainy. We were washed, from head to toe, in the rain. It doesnt matter whether it was sweat, rain, or tears on our faces because everything was a blur. We could only hope and pray that we dont hit anything or fall off our bikes which were not easy and made our ride extra tricky. But to us, no matter rain or shine, the journey must go on.

 Being one of the two classes to start, we had to face the two days without being able to learn from other’s experiences and meet the day on our own. Blankly, everything was like an unknown number which reminded me of a quote, “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful roads.” After suffering through the day, we still successfully, peacefully, and safely finished the day.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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