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【2021秀岡校區】DAY02—1002 一路上有你,展現團結精神!
2021/04/22 12:10:59瀏覽663|回應0|推薦0

昨日風雨交加的北宜公路, 那種寒風冷冽,刺骨的難熬,似乎把我們的歷練推至了極限;那時的疲憊,不只竄入了我們的身軀,心靈更是瀕臨崩潰。經過一晚養精蓄銳後,我們吃了早餐並開始了第二天的旅程。風和日麗的早晨,徒步來到了礁溪火車站並搭上了通往花蓮的火車。坐在靠窗的位置,從容不迫的欣賞著蔚藍的海岸被壯闊的山林緊緊包圍,昨日的膽戰心驚一消而散。接著,開始了單車的騎乘。一路上平緩的道路,順著微風的吹拂情緒也不再起伏跌宕,還有些閒情逸致,在休息時更能享受周遭的風景。隨著口號的傳遞,我也漸漸感受到了班級團結的力量,雖然平常總是在嬉鬧,但這次也深深感受同學彼此間的關心是源源不絕。
Yesterday’s trip through Beiyi highway, the toughest and the harshest of all, seems to push us to our limit. Challenging not only our physical strength, but also our inner resources. Finally, after a good nights sleep, we started our second day with a clear bright sky, no more rain with blowing gale. Sitting beside the window, the train arrived at Hualien, with the impressive view beside. Later on, we rode through a total of 41km, yet no steep slopes at all. Just before 4:00 p.m., we completed todays cycling, the connection between classmates and those walking by, seems to grow stronger than before with other’s encouragement. I believe we are all ready for the challenge in the following ten days of our cycling trip, also looking forward for us to determine and learn through all the obstacles, and wish we could all enjoy the trip after all.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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