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2021/07/16 16:40:34瀏覽794|回應1|推薦8
Strive to be trustworthy 矢信矢忠   Friday 16th July 2021

「A trustworthy person keeps a secret(忠信者守口如瓶)」. Proverbs 11:13 

Betrayal is worse than gossip(背叛比八卦更壞). A gossip may not necessarily harbour ill will (心懷惡意)towards his or her victim(受害人); but a betrayer knowingly divulges information in a breach of confidence(明知故犯、背信洩密). They commit ‘relational treason’ (犯「關係叛逆」罪)by violating (違反)the trust someone has placed in them. Judas was in a position to betray Jesus with very little effort because he was familiar with his comings and goings(來去行蹤瞭如指掌). The Bible says, ‘Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples’ (John 18:2 NIV). Judas used his inside knowledge (內幕消息)of Jesus’ tendencies to hurt him. Then later his behaviour engendered (造成)such self-loathing (自我憎惡)that he committed suicide.

Acts of betrayal eat away at your self-esteem and sense of dignity(吞噬你的自尊自重). So, have you ever breached a confidence(失信於人)? If so, why did you do it? What was the reward? Did you gain some inside advantage(佔些便宜)? What were you envious or resentful of (是嫉妒還是恨惡)at the time? Was there an unresolved conflict (衝突棘手)between you and the other person? Have you repented of what you did(悔不當初)? Conversely(反過來), has someone betrayed your confidence(失信於你)? If so, were you reaping what you had sown(種什麼因結什麼果)? What valuable lesson did you learn from it? Have you freed the offender in your heart, and no longer desire retribution(放他一馬,不再存心報復)? If not, you’re still bound to them (被他們綑綁)and they’re controlling your life. Drop it(算了吧)! Remind yourself that, ‘All things work together for good to those who love God(萬事互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處)’ (Romans 8:28).

Strive to (竭力)become a trustworthy person others can depend on to guard their secrets. And if you’re blessed to have a trustworthy friend yourself, thank God for them!

原文:The Word for Today,山頭圖:Ngaruwahia campsite, New Zealand

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2021/07/17 17:17

開心(kathymih) 於 2021-07-17 17:22 回覆:
這種回響彷彿猜中燈謎、要拍案叫👍 — 的確是從國歌得到啟示!