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2021/07/13 16:40:08瀏覽744|回應1|推薦6
Fishing lessons (3)    Monday 12th July 2021
「Nevertheless at your word I will let down the net.」 Luke 5:5 (就照你的話下網吧)

Lesson three: cooperate with God’s plan for your life: He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.(開到水深處,下網打魚)" But Simon answered and said to him, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing(整夜辛苦、毫無收獲); nevertheless at your word I will let down the net." And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking (Luke 5:4-6 NKJV).

Jesus taught the disciples where to fish, when to fish and how to fish. And he will teach you how to succeed in life too. But, like Peter, sometimes your plan has to fail (你非得計畫行不通)before you become willing to accept Gods plan. And if that’s what it takes, God will let you fail(假如非這樣不可,上帝會讓你碰壁). Notice two things: (1) Peter didn’t argue (爭辯)with Jesus, he simply obeyed. As a professional fisherman(職業漁夫), he may well have thought, Lord, who are you to tell me how to fish(你誰啊,教我怎麼釣魚)? He may even have thought if he didn’t catch anything at night when the fish were usually biting(通常魚夜裏吃餌上鉤), he surely wasn’t going to catch anything in the middle of the day when the sun was glaring (正午烈陽酷曬)down on the water. But he didn’t argue; he just obeyed. You must too. (2) He didn’t listen to his feelings(聽憑感覺). No doubt he was dog-tired from working all night(終宵幹活、累趴了). But he didn’t ask, What’s the use? Why should I keep on going? Instead of being led by his feelings, he exercised faith (操練信心)in the promise of Christ - and the results were amazing.

If you’ll put your faith in Jesus today, he will do the same for you.

原文:The Word for Today, 原圖:FeiFei筆記

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2021/07/14 06:39
Shu-Hua 回應「主阿,幫助我放下自己的成見、經歷與判斷,單單的信靠並降服於你,因你的話安定在天,句句必要實現。阿們!🙏😘」