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天使佳音 Angels’ Carol
2017/12/25 20:06:31瀏覽2129|回應1|推薦33

這首聖誕詩歌由英國作曲家John Rutter寫詞譜曲,Rutter是備受推崇的當代聖樂大師。多年前我曾唱過他的Go forth into the world in peace,偶然聽到這首Angels' Carol,行雲流水般的歡唱竟日縈耳,難以忘懷!網路遍尋不到中文版,這麼美妙的詩歌怎能任它雲遊在外?忍不住燈下推敲,把中文翻譯出來,逐字鑲嵌入四聲部,期望未來有更多團隊來唱它。

天使佳音 Angels' Carol

你是否聽見 天使歌聲歡唱
Have you heard the sound of the angel voices
多麼悅耳動聽 響徹入雲霄
Ringing out so sweetly, ringing out so clear?
你是否看見 夜空明星閃亮
Have you seen the star shining out so brightly
上帝賜標記 主基督在這裡
As a sign from God, that Christ the Lord is here?

你是否聽見 天使來報佳音
Have you heard the news that they bring from heaven
牧人謙卑等候 久旱逢甘霖
To the humble shepherds who have waited long
榮耀歸于真神上帝 x2
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Hear the angels sing their joyful song 

寧靜的冬天 平安來臨人間
He is come in peace in the winter's stillness
如同雪花輕盈 溫柔又恬靜
Like a gentle snowfall in the gentle night
祂帶來喜樂 如同清晨朝陽
He is come in joy like the sun at morning
普照全世界 榮光遍滿大地
Filling all the world with radiance and with light

瑪麗亞之子 為拯救人降世
He is come in love as the child of Mary
出生卑微馬槽 萬民好消息
In a simple stable we have seen his birth
榮耀歸于真神上帝 x2
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Hear the angels singing Peace on earth

祂帶來光明 照亮黑暗大地
He will bring new light to a world in darkness
祂是明亮晨星 閃耀在天際
Like a bright star shining in the skies above
祂帶來盼望 萬民等待救星
He will bring new hope to the waiting nations
慈悲憐憫心 以愛治理全地
When he comes to reign in purity and love

 舉世要歡欣 迎接救主降臨
Let the earth rejoice at the Saviour's coming
天上萬軍慶賀 喜樂的清晨
Let the heavens answer with the joyful morn
榮耀歸于真神上帝 x2
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
天使歡唱基督今降生  x2
Hear the angels singing "Christ is born"




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2017/12/26 05:29
越聽越好聽 😇
開心(kathymih) 於 2017-12-26 23:49 回覆: