五四熟男女的 三角關係
今日看到日本讀賣新聞 「70代女性 三角関係が心配」 。日本女性是世界最長壽的前幾名,丈夫死後,七十歲的女性只有靠著社區舞社來認識一些異性,當然心理總是希望別人說,「你看起來還只有 60歲」,其實這也都是人之常情。無論男女,除了二十歲之前都希望快快長大,甚至於虛報增加年齡,讓人感覺成熟。但是女性二十歲以後就希望讓男生看起來比較年輕,尤其在二十五六歲後,就都說二十幾歲,超過三十歲後就不報年齡了,讓你猜猜看。
「70代女性 三角関係が心配」 :日本七十歲的寡婦,開始想談戀愛,但又怕傷害,請教了日本大學教授 大日向 雅美。教授說:都已經七十幾歲了,還對分別與覺悟那麼在乎?對方如果還有妻室,交心就好,跳跳舞開開心,不要掉入三角或四角關係。即使男生已經單身,也難保他不再花心。萬一遇上花心老男人,讓自己迷失方向,喪失了生活樂趣,得不償失,最好尋找第二春時,自己要先有獨孤求敗的心理準備。
1990年代第一次到制服店 KTV,聽裡面小姐說,23歲算是很老了,25歲就要退休,與之前上酒家的感覺都完全不同,令我感到非常驚訝。
「天羅地網」的情節是五四熟男女的美滿幻想,劇中男女主角在逛街時配上了「The windmills of your mind」melody 讓人隨著墜入羅曼蒂克氣氛,又憶舊時。莫拉克颱風賴著不走,今天不運動,隨筆雜談,順便享受一下「The windmills of your mind」melody ,回味一下。
「The windmills of your mind」薩克斯風 melody
The windmills of your mind Dusty Springfield | 心中的風車 達絲提史賓菲爾 |
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Round like a circle in a spiral | 像螺旋紋中的圓圈旋轉著 |
Like a wheel within a wheel | 環環相連 |
Never ending on beginning on an ever-spinning reel | 轉個不停的輪軸沒有開始或結束 |
Like a snowball down a mountain or a carnival balloon | 像滾下山坡的雪球或節慶汽球 |
Like a carousel that's turning running rings around the moon | 像對著月球繞圈狂歡作樂 |
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face | 像時鐘的指針走過鐘面上的刻度 |
And the world is like an apple spinning silently in space | 世界像顆蘋果,在太空中無聲的旋轉 |
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind | 像你在心中的風車找到的圓圈 |
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Like a tunnel that you follow to a tunnel of its own | 就像你隨著隧道進入另一個隧道 |
Down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has never shone | 就像從一個空洞進入陽光照不到的洞穴 |
Like a door that keeps revolving in a half-forgotten dream | 像一扇門,在幾被遺忘的夢境裡不停的旋轉 |
Like the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream | 像有人丟小石子到溪流裡形成的漣漪 |
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face | 像時鐘的指針走過鐘面上的刻度 |
And the world is like an apple spinning silently in space | 世界像顆蘋果,在太空中無聲的旋轉 |
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind | 像你在心中的風車找到的圓圈 |
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Keys that jingle in your pocket | 鑰匙在你口袋裡叮噹作響 |
Words that jangle in your head | 話語在你腦海裡喧嘩著 |
Why did summer go so quickly ? | 夏天為何走得如此匆促? |
Was it something that I said ? | 那可是我說過的話? |
Lovers walk along a shore | 戀人們在海邊漫步 |
And leave their footprints in the sand | 在沙灘上留下了足跡 |
Was the sound of distant drumming | 那遙遠的鼓聲 |
Just the fingers of your hand ? | 是否來自你的手指? |
Pictures hanging in a hallway | 陳列在長廊裡的畫作 |
Or the fragment of a song | 或一首歌的片段 |
Half-remembered names and faces | 那些印象已模糊的名字與容顏 |
But to whom do they belong ? | 它們究竟屬於誰? |
When you knew that it was over | 當你明白一切已結束 |
Were you suddenly aware | 你是否遽然驚覺 |
That the autumn leaves were turning | 秋葉正逐漸變色 |
To the color of her hair ? | 變成了她頭髮的顏色 |
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Like a circle in a spiral | 像螺旋紋中的圓圈旋轉 |
Like a wheel within a wheel | 環環相連 |
Never ending or beginning on an ever-spinning reel | 轉個不停的輪軸沒有開始或結束 |
As the images unwind | 像不變形的畫面 |
Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind | 像你在心中的風車找到的圓圈 |
中文翻譯來自安德森 http://www3u.homeip.net/lyrics/show.php?fname=the26