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相信我,我在說謊.評:捏造便當文 恐違反《社維法》《刑法》
2013/05/23 07:12:46瀏覽484|回應0|推薦27


如果,仔細的檢視他們之間的差別,那就是: 一個是引起全民激憤的新聞報導; 一個是符合部分政黨傾向的人的想法,的新聞報導.


捏造便當文 恐違反《社維法》《刑法》

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Media Manipulation and Unconventional Marketing: Author Ryan Holiday on "Trust Me I'm Lying"  

"I've manufactured controversies, done stunts, planted fake stories," says Ryan Holiday, media strategist and author of new book, Trust Me I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator.


Holiday sat down with ReasonTV's Tracy Oppenheimer to talk about his own experiences manipulating the media for clients like Tucker Max, and the insight he's since gained into the new world of journalism.


"There's no question that I think it's great that people have access to publishing in a way they have never had before, but there is the law of unintended consequences and what that's done in this case is make misinformation a lot easier," says Holiday, "we've embraced this new technology, but we haven't erected any defenses, made any changes or changed how we consume the news, or believe what we read based on these changes."

還有就是認為偉大的獲得出版的方式他們從來沒有沒有問題意想不到的後果什麼在這種情況下,誤傳了很多容易法律假日 我們已經接受這項新技術,但我們還沒有豎立任何抗辯任何變更或改變了我們消費的消息,相信我們這些變化的基礎上



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