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巴黎聖母院(Notre-Dame de Paris,鐘樓怪人)
2013/01/11 05:33:34瀏覽1000|回應0|推薦41


巴黎聖母院Notre-Dame de Paris鐘樓怪人)是法國文學家維克多·雨果所著,於1831年1月14日初版的小說。故事的場景設定在1482年的巴黎聖母院,內容環繞一名吉卜賽少女(愛絲梅拉達)和由副主教(克諾德.福羅諾)養大的聖母院駝背敲鐘人(加西莫多)。此故事曾多次被改編成電影、電視劇及音樂劇。

Notre-Dame de Paris is a sung-through French-Canadian musical which debuted on 16 September 1998 in Paris. It is based upon the novel Notre-Dame de Paris (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame) by the French novelist Victor Hugo. The music was composed by Riccardo Cocciante (also known as Richard Cocciante) and the lyrics are by Luc Plamondon.

Since its debut, it has been played in Canada, France, Belgium, Russia, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, China, South Korea, Haiti and Taiwan. A shorter version in English was performed in 2000 in Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) and a full-length London production, also in English, ran for seventeen months. Popular songs from the show, such as Belle and Le temps des cathédrales have also been translated into Belarusian, Catalan, Czech, German, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Dutch and English.

Notre-Dame de Paris, according to the Guinness Book of Records, had the most successful first year of any musical ever. The score has been recorded at least seven times to date (2007): the original French concept album, which featured Israeli singer Achinoam Nini (aka Noa) as Esmeralda was followed by a live, complete recording of the original Paris cast. A complete recording of the score in Italian was made, along with a single disc of highlights in Spanish from the Barcelona production. The original London cast album featured several of the original Paris stars, but only preserved a fraction of the score in English. The orchestral group I Fiamminghi recorded a CD of melodies from the score. A complete set of instrumental backing tracks has also been released

亂世中 愛是唯一的不變

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