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2015/04/16 19:18:05瀏覽696|回應4|推薦36 | |
台灣的美國狗,非常喜歡談美國的自由,民主,只是,凸顯他們的狗性罷了.當然,中國人在巴勒斯坦問題上,也需要深自檢討. 這就是達賴喇嘛統治時代的西藏 When Tibet was "Free" under the Dalai Lama(達賴喇嘛) and British imperialism(英國帝國主義). Picture shows serf, under the so-called "Dalai Lama". Serf owner(奴隸主) forced this slave to do labor while being shackled(腳鐐).
1. 聯合國對前南非的制裁 你一定還記得,由英美國家主導的聯合國,過去對南非的制裁,一直到曼德拉得到政權後才停止.理由就是,南非的白人政權,將境內的有色人種限制居住,並視為外國人,惹惱了英國政府,將南非趕出大英國協,和聯合國. 表面上,英國非常的重視人權,事實上,則是你去研讀南非的歷史,就知道:南非的白人,主要是"布耳人(布爾人)",他們是荷蘭的農民,移居南非後自稱為布爾人,這些人,他們將南非視為他們的新家,不再離開. 等到後來南非地區發現黃金和鑽石後,英國攻打南非,發生"布爾戰爭",將南非據為英國的殖民地.當南非獨立後,英國人居少數,所以,當南非的政策,在大英國協,被其他有色人種的成員國攻擊時,英國馬上表現他的'正義',將南非逐出. 再說,以英.美為首的國家,(包括加拿大.澳洲.紐西蘭.)有資格制裁南非嗎?他們自己,過去,就是屠殺印地安人和少數民族,奴役黑人和有色人種,的白種自上論的國家.對他們最適當的形容詞:就是"放下屠刀,立地成猴." 2. 英.美對以色列的縱容,協助其屠殺巴勒斯坦人. 巴勒斯坦國在今年(2015)的四月一日,正式加入國際刑事法庭,準備尋求法律途徑,對於以色列在去年夏天對加薩走廊的血腥砲轟,以及以色列長期在約旦河西岸進行非法屯墾的行徑,訴諸國際法律途徑解決. (本月1日,巴勒斯坦正式成為國際刑事法庭(International Crime Court, ICC)的會員國,這也意味著,巴勒斯坦將可尋求法律途徑,對於以色列在去年夏天對加薩走廊的血腥砲轟,以及以色列長期在約旦河西岸進行非法屯墾的行徑,訴諸國際法律途徑解決.) 事實上,在現在的國際社會中,支持以色列的,只剩下英國.美國.加拿大.澳洲.紐西蘭.日本.南韓,及(台灣).即使是歐洲的一些國家,雖然,他們還不承認巴勒斯坦是一個國家,但是"反猶太"的浪潮風起雲湧. 3. 在這種國際環境的變化中,以色列為何還是如此的蠻橫?就是他有美國做靠山,所以他不怕.
如果以英美所標榜的價值標準來看以色列,那以色列早就被制裁了,甚至是,美國派軍隊直接進入以色列,幫他們換國家統治者.(美國在第三世界國家,經常執行這種正義.) 我們可以看到,以色列大肆的在他佔領的地區建立屯墾區,向全世界的猶太人招手; 在屯墾區的居民,在以色列的軍人的保護下生活. 在同時,原來居住的巴勒斯坦人的土地被剝奪.當巴勒斯坦人起來反抗時,就是被屠殺. 連巴勒斯坦的年輕人,用石塊來對付以色列的軍隊,換來的下場就是:在冬天,將巴勒斯坦的小孩,關在戶外,讓他們忍受天寒地凍的滋味.對巴勒斯坦的孩童練槍,並養了一群軍犬,來咬傷他們.開車衝撞他們,...,等等畜牲行為,罄竹難書. 接著則是非法雇用巴勒斯坦兒童當奴工 曾在去年替加薩發聲的人權觀察(Human Right Watch)前日發表報告指出,以色列在西岸的(非法)屯墾區住戶長期傭僱當地的巴勒斯坦童工。
Israeli soldier: Palestinians are our training targets(我們的培訓目標)
更可惡的是,在美國和歐洲,以色列的資本家,組成了龐大的遊說組織,來買通,各國人格卑下的政治人物,媒體,和所謂文化人,為他們宣傳,粉飾. (你在台灣的新聞媒體上,或是網路上,非常不容易收集到,任何批判以色列,或是揭露其暴行的新聞.) 相反的,一大堆由以色列提供的資訊,在台灣廣為傳播,把以色列塑造成一個非常有能力的國家.他們故意忽略:美國在後面的投資,和以色列對巴勒斯坦地區的水電各項資源的剝削的事實. 最近,連知名的美國脫口秀主持人,也被關切. Jewish group tells Jon Stewart: Don’t let ‘anti-Semite’ Trevor Noah take over ‘The Daily Show’猶太團體告訴喬恩·斯圖爾特:不要讓“反猶太主義”特雷弗諾亞接手“每日秀”
我們說"紙包不住火",隨著美國國力的式微,以色列終將難逃國際制裁的命運. 同時,由於猶太人的縱容,讓以色列用來作為'悲情訴求'的過時故事,將被世人唾棄. 以色列人,恐怕將延續其祖先兩千年來的厄運,成為全世界各國人欺侮屠殺的對象. 下面的廣告,讓你看到,在美國的猶太人,是如何的猖狂. “Muslims are Nazis”: Anti-Muslim Hitler Ads Plastered on Buses in Philadelphia(“穆斯林是纳粹分子”:反穆斯林的希特勒广告贴满巴士在费城)
他只告訴你一個事實:所有被希特勒處死的猶太人,都是"通敵罪"的罪犯,德國人根本不需要,為這事件,和猶太人道歉. 別忘了,第二次世界大戰期間,美國將國內的日裔公民,關在集中營裡. 你可以證明:所有被屠殺的猶太人,都是無辜的嗎? ..............................................................................................................................U.S. military aid(軍事援助) to Israel exceeds(超過) $100 billion Does suspension of missile deal mean trouble in relations with U.S., or is it just a tap on the wing? The United States of America is Israel’s big brother and really loves us. Israel does not have and apparently will not have another friend like it. According to a recent Congress report, Israel is the country that has received more cumulative American aid than any other country since the end of World War II. Since it began in 1962, American military aid to Israel has amounted to nearly $100 billion. For the past decades the United States has been regularly transferring aid of about $3 billion annually. In recent years, the aid has been solely for defense purposes. Additionally, the U.S. has been giving Israel generous military aid for projects that are important both to it and to Israel. Between the establishment of the state and the first decade of this century, the economic aid the United States gave Israel was modest. Its civilian aid to Israel began in 1949 – less than a year after the establishment of the state, when Israel was in terrible economic distress – with help in purchasing food and absorbing the mass immigration of Jewish refugees. The amount of the aid was small, $100 million, and some of the money went towards purchasing basic foodstuffs, such as grains. In the 1950s, America gave Israel only civilian aid, for economic purposes, and this was doled out in loans and small grants. In 1951 the United States refused to help Israel advance the reparations agreement with Germany, which was signed the following year and gave Israel some economic breathing room. The change began during Lyndon Johnson’s(詹森總統) administration (1963-1969), when the United States began transferring more significant civilian aid to Israel, which increased over the years. Between the establishment of the state and 1962, the United States under Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower imposed a total arms embargo on Israel. The first president to lift the embargo was John Kennedy(甘迺迪總統), who in 1962 allowed Israel to pay in full for surface-to-air Hawk missiles(鷹式飛彈). In 1965 America sold offensive weapons – Patton tanks – to Israel for the first time. In the 1960s, France was Israel’s major arms supplier, until the turnaround after the Six-Day War(六日戰爭), when the United States became its main supplier. In 1984 the Cranston Amendment stopped loans to Israel while increasing the grants in order to put an end to past debts. From 1985 on, in the framework of the plan to stabilize the economy, American aid was pegged at a grant of $3 billion annually. In that year Israel also received another grant of $1.5 billion. One of the negotiators between the countries in 1985 was Professor Stanley Fischer, who later became the governor of the Bank of Israel. The largest amount of American aid in grants and loans in a single year came to $15.7 billion in 1979, when Israel signed the peace treaty with Egypt. Cumulatively, American aid to Israel between 1950 and 2013 amounted to about 3% of Israel’s GDP during that period. For about the past 20 years, under the American-Israeli agreement, the grants from the United States are used for the purpose of purchasing arms and other security equipment (for example fuels) that Israel needs for propelling its war machine. One of the most expensive arms deals in the history of Israel’s defense forces – the purchase of 20 F-35 fighter planes for $2.7 billion – will be financed entirely by aid money. The deal was signed towards the end of 2010 and the first planes are slated to be delivered to Israel next year. Hellfire(地獄火導彈) Last weekend, in the context of Operation Protective Edge, it was learned that the White House had ordered the Pentagon, the Defense Department and the Army to hold back a shipment of Hellfire missiles(地獄火導彈) for Israel’s Apache helicopters(阿帕契直升機). Both the helicopter and the missiles have been in use in Israel since 1990. Depending on the model, each missile costs between $25,000 and $65,000. This is a localized and insignificant incident, not even a light tap on the wing. The move is somewhat reminiscent of the temporary suspension of flights to Israel during Operation Protective Edge. Does anyone still remember that? However, the Hellfire incident is not the first in which the United States has used an embargo, a delay, or threats of an embargo to obtain something from Israel or to send it a message. To the big brother’s credit, it must be said that it does not do this very often.The most outstanding incident of this sort occurred during the first days of the Yom Kippur War(贖罪日戰爭), when America’s Secretary of State Henry Kissinger delayed Israel’s requests for the provision of weapons systems and ammunition for the purpose of applying diplomatic pressure. Later in the war, the United States provided an unprecedented airlift, even though most of the rest of the international community made things difficult for Israel by refusing to grant American transport planes landing rights for stopovers.(在戰爭中,美國提供了一個前所未有的空運,儘管大多數國際社會的其餘部分作了為難以色列拒絕給予美國運輸機中途停留降落權。 ) In 1981, President Ronald Reagan(雷根總統), who was friendly towards Israel, halted the provision of F-15 fighter planes after the bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor. Diplomatic circles in Jerusalem assess that the Hellfire missile issue will be resolved in the coming days, if it has not already been resolved, in discreet talks between Washington and Jerusalem. A bumpy start 顛簸的開始 Relations between Israel and the United States are now at a peak, but their start was bumpy. On November 29, 1947, the United States supported United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 to recognize Israel, but in March of 1948 it leaned towards passing a General Assembly resolution aimed at rescinding 181 because of Israel’s condition on the battlefield and pressure from hostile Britain and the Arab world. During the first decades of the state’s existence, American economic aid to Israel was modest and confined to civilian aid. Under a special agreement, the United States maintains in Israel caches of $1 billion worth of emergency munitions, including rockets, artillery shells and armored combat vehicles. The project is operated by the European Command of the U.S. Army. In the Second Lebanon War(第二次黎巴嫩戰爭) and in Operation Protective Edge, the United States sold Israel armaments from these caches. The United States has also helped Israel over the years with joint military and defense projects essential to both sides. For example, the United States helped and is helping Israel develop its multi-layered defense system that includes Iron Dome, Magic Wand and the Arrow. The cost thus far has been about $3 billion, including more than $1.3 billion for Iron Dome. In May 2010 President Barack Obama(歐巴馬) asked for and received a special allocation of $205 million for the Iron Dome project above and beyond the regular American military aid. Subsequent requests for funding for the project have also been approved, including $351 million that Israel requested for purchasing additional Tamir interception missiles for Iron Dome in the third week of July, during Operation Protective Edge. A week later, both houses of Congress approved, with President Obama’s backing, a special additional aid package for Israel of $225 million for purchasing more Tamir missiles. Only two weeks intervened between the time the request was submitted and its passage – which shows that the case of the Hellfire missiles is localized and should not lead to any far-reaching conclusions. A possible explanation for the difference in attitude is that the Tamir missiles are for defensive purposes whereas the Hellfire is an attack missile. |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |