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"How I Spent Summer Last Year"
2008/09/27 21:59:16瀏覽307|回應0|推薦0

"How I Spent Summer Last Year"

Luke  2000

Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen, My name is Luke.

Now I'm very happy here to tell you "How I spent Summer Last Year"



Last summer, my mother, my sister and I went to the United States of America. On the airplane of North West Airline, we started our journey. That day was July 15th. After 24 hours we arrived Detroit, it was July 15th again. Do you know why Because we passed the International Date Line.

We stayed in the United States for one and half month.

During the weeks, we attended the summer course of Scholastic Primary School.

There we had science lessons, skating lessons, singing and dancing lessons.

Every Tuesday, it was vedio tape's day,

Every Thursday, It was pizza day.

And the most wonderful part was that "There were no reading and writing lessons."

In weekends, we visited some famous places. For example, we went to Henry Ford's Museum in Green Field Village, North West University and Bahai Temple in Chicago. We also went to Edison Inn near Huron port.

On Sunday afternoon, we always went to the supermarket to buy foods, thus we might select some American foods, among them, I liked peaches and cherries best. Oh, they were really very delicious.

This summer, we will go to the States again, I am looking forward to the journey.  Next time, I will tell you the interesting story in this journey.






( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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