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2008/09/19 08:50:42瀏覽456|回應1|推薦11 | |
泰戈爾的甘露- 7 四海一家 * 2008.9.19. 泰戈爾的四海一家。 Thou hast make me known to friends whom I have knew not. Thou hast given me seats in homes not my own. Thou hast brought the distant near and made a brother of the stranger. I am uneasy at heart when I have to leave my accustomed shelter. I forget that there abides the old in the new, and that there also thou abidest. Through birth and death,in this world or in others, wherever thou leadest me it is thou, the same, the one companion of my endless life who ever linkest my heart with bonds of joy to the unfamiliar. When one knows thee, then alien there is none, then no door is shut. Oh, grant me my prayer that I may never lose the bliss of the touch of the one in the play of the many. 祢讓素不相識者與我為友 祢讓我在不屬乎我的家裡有坐席 祢讓距離縮短 讓四海陌生人成為弟兄。 當必須遠離熟悉的庇護所 我的心怔忡 忘卻了那不過是舊人遷入新居 而祢無處不在。 是生是死,是這世界是他世間 無論所從何之── 是祢,無處不在。 我生命裡的同伴者啊 從來牽繫於我心者啊 在陌生處境依然,依然緊繫屬祢的喜樂── 一旦認知了,便沒有任何域外客者 世界也沒有緊閉的門。 哦,允我禱求 容我在衆生的遊戲裡 永不喪失自祢撫觸的祝福。 (梅枝) |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |