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The Worst Morning in Joyce's Life
2006/05/16 22:45:59瀏覽612|回應0|推薦8
On Jan. 18, 1988, Joyce Chen who was studying in Taipei, spent her worst morning in her life looking for her brother’s body with her family. At about 4:00 am that day, Joyce was waken up by a telephone call from her father, Mr. Kang Chen, a shopkeeper of a breakfast store. Mr. Chen told Joyce that something had happened in her family in Hsinchu City and asked her to come home for about a week.  At the same time, through the telephone receiver, Joyce seemed to hear her mother sobbing. Joyce soon left her dormitory after requesting her roommate to ask leave for her, and she caught the first train to Hsinchu at 5:00 am. She was extremely torn with anxiety on her way home. When she arrived at home around 7:00 am, she saw her family, her father, mother and grandmother, were crying bitterly on the sofa. Her father finally told her that Jimmy, Joyce’s second youngest brother, had been killed in a traffic accident in the early morning. It was difficult for Joyce to believe that because Jimmy had gone to Taipei to visit Joyce a week ago. Joyce hugged her mother and started crying aloud. As soon as Joyce’s youngest brother, Roger, came back home, the Chens went to the Hsinchu Funeral Home at about 8:00 am to look for Jimmy. Owing to incorrect information, they couldn’t find Jimmy’s body even though they had checked all the unidentified corpses. A cleaner in his seventies of the Funeral Home asked Kang Chen about the traffic scene, and then the cleaner said that Jimmy might be in the Mortuary of Hsinchu Hospital. The Chens left for Hsinchu Hospital without delay and arrived there near 10:30 am. Finally, they found Jimmy’s body lying in a corner of the mortuary covered by a white cloth with bloodstains on it. Mr. Chen asked their family to stood where they were, and he walked toward the corpse. Then he lifted the cloth, and his face immediately looked very pained. Kang Chen closed Jimmy’s eyes with his hand, hugged Jimmy’s body, and started weeping bitterly. Meanwhile, Joyce’s mother wept in a loud voice. Joyce and her youngest brother kneeled down before Jimmy’s body and wailed for their lost brother. Joyce piteously stared at Jimmy’s pale soles and wished that all that morning were just a dream.
( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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