掃瞄報告出爐後,理玆醫師馬上安排醫院,要我做心繞道開心臟手術,因為報告顯示一條主動脈有超過 50% 的阻塞。
When I had the Lung Function Test, the cardiac diagram showed the heart muscle stress. I was referred to see a heart specialist.
Doc Rizzs wanted me to have an angioplasty right away but I asked to have the coronary CT scan before any angiogram or angioplasty.
After the coronary CT scan, she called me to arrange a by-pass heart surgery in next working day in hospital because the coronary CT scan shows >50% blockage in one of the main coronary arteries.
I told her - I don't feel ill, I have low cholesterol, no high blood pressure, not over weight, no diabetes, I take work out two times a week .... I refused to take the heart bypass surgery and seeking the 2nd opinion...
Doc Olsonn disagreed the bypass surgery without further advanced check up and she refers me to see the heart specialist in Stanford Hospital. She does not agree the coronary CT scan as a 'standard' method in screening the blockage.
Doc Holiday told me my blood circulation is normal after examination, but, he suggests me to have the advance Nuclear Sputtering Artery Scan if I would feel uncomfortable on the coronary CT scan report.
A Joke - When doctor wants me to 開心, I feel 不開心; when doctor says 不開心, I feel 開心.