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2012/09/23 21:15:44瀏覽6660|回應25|推薦33










3.第二次世界大戰後至今已經60年了。戰後經濟的成長包括: 人口的增加所需要的物資,基礎建設需要的造橋鋪路等,再加上發展通訊,發展長程的海空運輸等等,全世界一片欣欣向榮的好景氣,已經停頓下來到底了。這是因為全球性的汙染,原物料的開採殆盡,人口的老齡化,新生嬰兒生育率過低,經濟好景下成長的民眾好吃懶做無生產力化,全世界的經濟大致上走到了盡頭。


5.中國大陸的改革開放人均所得(GDP per capita)從百廢待舉的500美元已經成長10倍到達了5000美元到達30年盡頭已經必須轉彎了。靠著外國人的技術外國人的資金在大陸所產生的效益,一方面交出漂亮的進出口貿易總額,一方面也交出漂亮的人均所得,而另一方面又交出漂亮的稅收總額。這三方面漂亮的數據,都是靠外國人以及台灣人在大陸交出的好成績單,這一部份中國大陸沒有統計,但粗估應該有30%左右,這三方面漂亮的數據是有膨脹充氣的。大陸目前的國家預算特別是地方政府的稅收來源,在比較大的數量上竟然是靠出售土地來取得。以上的事實是要說明一件事,就是大陸今後的人均所得要從5000美元增長到5萬美元,已經不能靠過去30年向國際社會招商引資的有效策略。今天向國際社會招商引資也已經走到盡頭,以後的增長要靠創造創新了。













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GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
to Author
2012/10/05 05:32

"You do not like certain Christian pastor is your personal affair"

It's personal "matter" or "business", not "affair".

I do not "dislike certain Christian pastors", no, on the contrary, I like all Christians, but I think Christians are irrational lunatics who substitute reality with fantacy and seriously need help.  If you can substantiate ANY utterance by ANY Christian at ANY time during the past 2000 years ANYwhere on earth, consider me wrong.

天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-05 07:47 回覆:

Hi Friend,

It is not my scope to "judge" my reader who is right or wrong, as Christian we see ourselves sinners.

To use absolute truth to require sinners is impossible and that is why God came to rescue through redemption. How it has happened is defined as "faith" and "not science", so Christianity has been based on testimony to testify God is a living God.

天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-05 08:43 回覆:

EXAMPLE1: Tell me how "good marriage" is defined?

Poor couple may have "good marriage", and rich couple may have "sour marriage". The best "testimony" is that when they hold hands walking on the road after 70 years of marriage, and that they did not have to say anything, and not to be "measured" by the experts! All the neighbors would praise them for "good marriage".

EXAMPLE 2: An accident was occurred and nothing left in the scene, because unfortunately driver and passengers were dead.

Since there were two people around, so they were procured to provide "testimony" by the policemen. When the "judge" decided to judge the two testimonial statements truthful, it was then correct and considered a "scientific record". Sometimes, "scientific record" could be revoked due the bad quality of the eye-witness.

Above two examples are basically the same. It is a matter of how "subjectivity" becomes "objectivity" and vice versa. We wanted to believe in God when He is really a Creator. At the same time, someone may still want this God to be 100% understood by him. That is the problem of this person and not God.

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
to shameful Ocean9
2012/10/05 05:21

“但是她為何要如此大搞劃圈圈運動? 唯一的可能性﹐就是五角大廈不願因冷戰結束而國防經費被大量削減”






天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-05 08:03 回覆:


Please talk to the below person and not me!

Dear 天恩客(jesusismysavior)




Gang-like setup
2012/10/05 04:27

Both China and NK need each other.  In the old days, NK was an important buffer for the hurt, weakened dragon.  But as China evolves into a more confident country opening up to the world, the need for NK as a buffer is less prominent and does not outweight the risk of having an unstable neighbor with nuclear warheads.  To China, NK is mostly a bargaining chip.

On the other side of the fence, Japan, SKorea and Taiwan are more than bargaining chips to the Americans.  Due to its imperialistic policies, U.S. needs to constantly keep these countries in control.  The camp is more like a street gang setup with U.S. as the gang leader.  The gang leader provides some level of protection through its superb military strength and supplies.  In return the gang-member states offer protection of American soil by being the first line on war front.  Each of the gang members pays its dues to the leader via purchases of firearms and concessions in markets and politics.

天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-05 08:13 回覆:

We are mankind first, then the Chinese, the American, or the Japanese, and all of us wish to live well, prosper, and healthy.

The American had their problem and evil heart, and so do everybody. Do not tell me China is made up of all saints!

Final deed is still humanity, and not superpower! Enlighten me how you love Chinese and how you have been serving them, so I can join you.

天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-09 23:39 回覆:


(中央社倫敦8日路透電)美國思科系統公司(Cisco Systems)已中止與中國大陸中興通訊有限公司(ZTE Corp.)的長期銷售合作關係。






思科執行長錢伯斯(John Chambers)最近接受專訪時,拒絕討論有關中興向伊朗出售設備的調查結果。但表示,思科不會容許它的設備「直接或間接」出售給諸如伊朗等禁售國家,「當出現這類情況時,我們就會非常果斷地迅速處理。因此,大家可以認為,這種情形不會再度發生。」

My two cents
2012/10/05 02:42

美國當然知道中國不是當年的蘇聯﹐但是她為何要如此大搞劃圈圈運動? 唯一的可能性﹐就是五角大廈不願因冷戰結束而國防經費被大量削減﹐再加上武器商的利益鏈的聯合行動﹐將中國不可能和平崛起的說辭放至最大﹐美國靜脈悄悄的將兩個航母戰鬥群送到釣魚台水域﹐只能說是與中共當局“well Choreographed”行動﹐如此一來﹐美國可以向哭鬧不休的日本交代已盡條約義務 (其實美國那裡會不知道﹐她那兩艘航母已在東風21D的招呼範圍之內? 魚鷹的部署也不可能為了釣島﹐除非它想當隻死鳥。) 剩下的只有看日本自己找台階下來﹐釣島危機不是短時間可以解決﹐也不是日本任何右翼可以說了算﹐但可以說日本﹑台灣﹑與中美的百姓都被美中忽悠了(請參照Charlie Rose talks to Muhtar Kent, CEO of Coca Cola, Bloomberg Businessweak Oct 1 - 7)。 由此訪談﹐至少可證實及感覺到﹐美國公司在海外的投資是不會背美國策而行的。美國此時對台灣的免簽也只不過是要台灣自己買塊糖賞給自己﹐獎勵台灣馬執政在此事件的通力演出﹐而美國則是名利雙收。

天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-05 08:11 回覆:

Hi Friend,

Your humble character has been well received with full respect.

The Americans have earned tremendous benefits in everything, after she had risked lives of her sons fighting in Europe against the Germans and Asia against the Japanese.

No nation is strong enough to ask the Americans to go into the cage as set by this nation.

i heard from a "housewife"...
2012/10/05 00:53

she told me that all these episodes of the 釣魚島 was the intention of the USA to force china to start the war with japan so that the US-JAPAN can knock china down and sent it backwards for 100 years.

quite impressive from the mouth of a housewife...imho.

天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-06 11:31 回覆:
This lady is full of wisdom, so we wish the Chinese be smart enough not to over-react, and keep this trap away with distance!

U.S.-Japan/Taiwan is Master-Slave relationship
2012/10/04 23:47
Not at all.  China-N. Korea relationship is more like a father-son relationship built more on needs.  The U.S.-Japan/Taiwan one has all the contents of master-slave relationship, on the other hand.  China does NOT forbid N. Korea to develop weapons, does NOT station huge military presence on N.K. soil, and does NOT try to sway the leadership (evidenced from China's hands-off policy in the latest N.K. leader changes). 
Contrary to China, U.S. has always tried to maintain CONTROL on its other camp members, i.e., Japan, S. Korea, and Taiwan in the Far East.  None of these countries dare to develop any advanced weaponry systems w/o obtaining approval of Washington.  Of these three, Japan has earned the most trust from the Master and was allowed to develop fighter jet F2 and a few frigates.  Yet the bulk of Japan's fighter jets are U.S.-made and will continue to be so in the forseeable future.  Taiwan is least trusted due to its natural association with China.
天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-05 07:38 回覆:

Thank you for your comment!

It is the scope of freedom in speech from you, very good father-son and like cultural revolution, Mao sent RMB40 billion to Vietnam.

When conflict comes, father then fought son down in 1979 by Teng.

2012/10/04 09:50




天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-04 16:35 回覆:

Dear Senior,

It took me much time to be trained to have certain insight, and what you wrote is just the area what I need to be more inspired.

Thank you!

GolfNut — 無心的邂逅
Nice story... sad story
2012/10/04 06:19

Agree with 天涯比鄰

If you the author wishes to present something as serious as Asia's future political/economical/military game plan, you need to base your theory more on facts and less on conjectures.  We see a lot of utterance without factual basis, even contrary to reality, almost saying just for the purpose of saying it.

I took the topic seriously that's why I came and read.  But at the end, I am quite disappointed.  It's almost like a pastor who stern-facedly scares his audience to death with the end-of-the-world stories using nothing but his mouth, then at the end of the day, people go home with a worried mind and an emptier pocket.

And why or how is God in this?  You didn't explain.  But again I can see Christian's unique characteristic here in full display -- saying something without merit or basis just for the sake of saying, calling it "belief", beautifing it to "faith", taking it as fact, then spread it around matter-of-factly by saying more.

So sad.

天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-04 16:43 回覆:

Dear Friend,

This article has been written with my personal experience as a businessman in and out China 200 times since 1984. With my faith, I am positive about the military built-up and tension so all major powers are well balanced for next round of economy rcovery, after eye witnessing 1998 Asian Economical crisis created right from Indonesia.

You do not like certain Christian pastor is your personal affair, to apply in my case is over. Thank you.

Heavenly Guest

------- ------- -------

Nice read.. Almost funny (2)
2012/10/04 05:11


Again this is another stunner that perhaps serves your agenda of mudslinging the PRC regime -- nothing more and nothing less.  First of all, I don't think any Chinese or Beijing decision makers want an unstable neighbor with nuclear warheads.  N. Korea is not exactly the dog that Japan or Taiwan is to the Americans.  China has never attempted to suppress N. Korea's military aspirations so China could control its government like the U.S. is doing to Japan and Taiwan.  If you remembered, N. Korea detonated a nuclear bomb only a couple of miles from the Chinese border less than ten years ago.  Secondly, making nuclear weapons is no longer high tech like in the 50's.  A lot of countries could develop their own.  Even Taiwan back in the 1980's was on pace to make nuclear weapons until U.S. forbid further development.  India and Pakistan also successfully built their own nuclear warheads.  If given the permission, Japan and S. Korea have already amassed tens of nuclear warheads.  So, you're dead wrong but quite successful in getting the average Joe's to go along your scare tactics and mudslingings.

天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-04 16:49 回覆:

It is my long term observation about North Korean and PRC relation, so much so like your observation about Taiwan and Japan to United States.

This is within the scope of freedom in speech.

Nice read... almost funny (1)
2012/10/04 05:07

This is one of the biggest conspiracy theories I've heard.  Yet its logic is rather choppy and its details are so lacking that I almost thought it came from the mouths of mad men on the streets.  There're many but I will just randomly pick two to illustrate my point:


This is an untrue assumption and dead wrong sentencing based on the false assumption.  First of all, who could assume an economy expands only 30 years?  An economic expansion could pause and readjust to either internal or external factor such as the financial melt down of 2007.  But that doesn't mean the economy comes to an expansion end at all.  No economists could say that. 

Nice read...  almost funny.

天恩客(jesusismysavior) 於 2012-10-04 16:54 回覆:

Dear Friend,

You took it personal.

Japan went into deadend since 1990, and PRC is just too massive that it has to transform and not the old way any more. It is no more manufacturing and processing industry, it has to be local and global service industry, plus international investment, and many many more!

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