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actions of a few almost put prom in jeopardy
2014/05/09 09:23:44瀏覽23|回應0|推薦0
The actions of a few almost put prom in jeopardy for the rest of the student body at Corona del Mar High School in California.

Finding a prom date can be daunting, especially for boys. So, a group of boys at this Newport Beach school reportedly decided to enlist the help of a “prom draft,” school officials said.

Parents of juniors and seniors received a letter last Friday from Principal Kathy Scott notifying them of the “rumor” of a “prom draft,” similar to a NFL draft — an idea that school officials said raised potential concerns about female students being “objectified.”

Male students purchase draft tickets and female students are then “drafted” as dates for the prom, scheduled for Jun 7, according to the principal’s letter, first reported by ABC’s Los Angeles station KABC.

“While I have not yet been able to determine the authenticity of this rumor, I have reason to believe there is some merit to what I have heard,” Scott wrote in the letter, provided to ABC News today by the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.

“There may be a ‘prom draft’ occurring on campus and I am hearing that this may have occurred last year as well,” Scott continued, “I am sure that the intention of this ‘draft’ is not to be harmful, but it may be. It is not ok for any student to be objectified or judged in any way.”

The principal then urges parents to speak with their children and “discuss the seriousness of this type of activity,” Scott wrote.

The school has declined to comment directly. Newport-Mesa Unified School District officials said the principal’s letter was a pre-emptive move.

“We believe the news story was generated due to Principal Scott’s pro-active approach to the rumor last Friday,” Laura Boss, the school district’s communications director, said in a statement to ABC News.

Opinions among students varied.

One student, Sam Picou, told KABC, “It’s just terrible, I mean when someone wants to treat someone as if they were just something they could throw around. I know that our school’s not like that, I know that people at our school are very genuine, and they care for the best of everybody.”

Others took to social media to express their concerns — some in support of the draft and others offended by it.

After the principal’s letter went out, Jessica Jenkins tweeted, “So #blessed i no longer am going to be objectified buy the seniors of CdM-YOU GO KATHY SCOTT 美好永遠記在心裏
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