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A985=U5-上 - 瞭 解Uthanasia 安樂死 和 Suicide自殺 JCW 2010/11/26. NoDerives (ND) Creative commons Copyright. ▽ External Link ▽ (1). My forum: https://city.udn.com/61613/forum (3). ISBN: https://city.udn.com/65088/forum (2). My blog: http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article (4). It’s fun: http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman/article (5). Windows Live > Office ---------------------------Translate多語言翻譯器 ---------------------- 這些資料須詳讀,能兼讀英文篇更佳,因為死是一件大事……… ★(1). 安樂死、Euthanasia - Wikipedia:安樂死(希臘文:Ευθανασία,英語:Euthanasia,「eu」意「好」、「thanasia」衍生自死神塔那托斯),有「好的死亡」或「無痛苦的死亡」的含意,是一種給予患有不治之症的人以無痛楚、或更嚴謹而言「盡其量減小痛楚地」致死的行為或措施,一般用於在個別患者出現了無法醫治的長期顯性病症,因病情到了晚期或不治之症,對病人造成極大的負擔,不願再受病痛折磨而採取的了結生命的措施時,經過醫生和病人雙方同意後進行,以通過提前死亡的方式減輕痛苦。 目前醫學界對「安樂死」並沒有統一的定義,不過在操作層面,主要可分為「主動安樂死Active Euthanasia」和「被動安樂死 Passive Euthanasia/ 臨終關懷」兩大類,前者是按病人要求,主動為病人結束生命(例如透過注射方式);後者是按病人意願停止療程(例如除去病人的維生系統或讓病人停止服藥),使其自然死亡。 以荷蘭為例,目前荷蘭要執行安樂死,須出自病人意願,且有醫生證明病人正處於「不能減輕」和「不能忍受」的痛苦中,醫生和病人之間也得先達成共識,確認安樂死已經是他們的唯一選擇。 安樂死在許多國家引發了很大的爭議(例如美國的特麗·夏沃的案)。目前已立法容許安樂死的地方有荷蘭、比利時、美國奧勒崗州等等。 [ Contents ]: 2 Classification of euthanasia 2.1 Voluntary euthanasia自願安樂死:Euthanasia conducted with the consent of the patient is termed voluntary euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia is legal in Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the U.S. states of Oregon and Washington. When the patient brings about his or her own death with the assistance of a physician, the term assisted suicide is often used instead. 2.2 Non-voluntary euthanasia非自願安樂死:Euthanasia conducted where the consent of the patient is unavailable is termed non-voluntary euthanasia. Examples include child euthanasia, which is illegal worldwide but decriminalised under certain specific circumstances in the Netherlands under the Groningen Protocol. 2.3 Involuntary euthanasia非自願被動安樂死:Euthanasia conducted against the will of the patient is termed involuntary euthanasia. [參見]: [接受或尋求安樂死的著名個案]: 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(1856-1939年,奧地利出生、英國接受自願主動安樂死) 特麗·夏沃(1963-2005年,美國、非自願被動安樂死) 鄧紹斌(1969年香港出生、頸以下癱瘓在生中) 東海大學安樂死事件(死者身份保密,1991年日本去世、非自願主動安樂死) *** *** *** *** ★(2). Euthanasia.com:Euthanasia suicide mercy-killing right-to-die physician ... INFORMATION FOR RESEARCH ON EUTHANASIA, PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE, LIVING WILLS, MERCY KILLING. We are committed to the fundamental belief that the intentional killing of another person is wrong. We have deep sympathy for those people who are suffering. [ Contents ]: * Assisted Suicide Proposed in Vermont as New Governor Takes Over in January 2011 * Start Here for Introductory Information on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide * Euthanasia Facts, including graphs of data on people who attempted suicide, facts sheets, FAQs, debate points, books, videos etc. * Legal Articles, including 1997 Supreme Court ruling, assisted-suicide laws by state, congressional legislation, etc. * USA Articles, including assisted suicide legislation in the United States, state by state news, Kevorkian articles * World Articles, including euthanasia issues in Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain, Israel, Germany, Columbia, etc. * Organizations Against Euthanasia, including International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force, Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia, etc. * Living Wills, two samples. * Statements by Individuals, Nat Hentoff, Alan Keyes, Ralph Nader, and others. * Statements By Medical Profession, including American Medical Association, American Nurses Association, C. Everett Koop, etc. * Medical Articles, including charts of poll data, pain control, physician issues, etc. * People Articles, including people who are disabled and their stories. Also articles on Terri Schiavo. * Oregon Articles, stories related to Oregon's physician-assisted suicide law. * Religious Statements/Articles, including Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Jewish, Islamic, Interfaith Groups. * Other Organizations That Help People, including Hospice Foundation, pain clinics, pain study associations, suicide awareness groups. * Other Contacts, links to your congressional representatives, newspaper letters to the editor, pro-life groups, citing Internet items, etc. *** *** *** *** ★(3). 自殺、Suicide-Wikipedia:自殺通常是指人類結束自己生命的行為,亦即殺死自身。而人類以外的動物亦有被視為自殺的行為。 [ Contents ]: 1.2 Euthanasia and assisted suicide 3 Suicide methods:The leading method of suicide varies dramatically between countries. The leading methods in different regions include hanging, pesticide poisoning, and firearms. Worldwide 30% of suicides are from pesticides. The use of this method however varies markedly from 4% in Europe to more than 50% in the Pacific region. In the United States 52% of suicides involve the use of firearms. Asphyxiation and poisoning are fairly common as well. Together they comprised about 40% of U.S. suicides. Other methods of suicide include blunt force trauma (jumping from a building or bridge, self-defenestrating, stepping in front of a train, or car collision, for example). Exsanguination or bloodletting (slitting one's wrist or throat), intentional drowning, self-immolation, electrocution, and intentional starvation are other suicide methods. Individuals may also intentionally provoke another person into administering lethal action against them, as in suicide by cop. Whether or not exposure to suicide is a risk factor for suicide is controversial. A 1996 study was unable to find a relationship between suicides among friends, while a 1986 study found increased rates of suicide following the televisation of news stories regarding suicide. See main article: Suicide methods. 1). 人類的自殺:現實的研究大多集中在人類的自殺行為上,儘管已經存在一些研究活動是在研究其它物種的自殺行為。所謂人類的自殺就是指自殺的當事者是人類,也就是主自殺的當事者是一個當事人。 在很多宗教中,自殺是罪惡的,有些國家的法律禁止自殺或協助他人自殺,但在部份國家的文化中,自殺有時是具有榮譽感的行為,並獲得輿論的肯定,如歷史上艦隻沉沒船長可能會因其職責而拒絕逃生。阿拉伯宗教認為自殺是不光彩的行為;在西方,出於宗教信仰中生命的神聖屬性,自殺經常被看作嚴重的犯罪行為和對上帝的冒犯。 自殺的原因多和心理層面相關,因此是心理學的研究課題之一,另外也與憂鬱症、躁鬱症等精神疾病有相當的關連,故亦為精神醫學的研究範疇。在現代精神醫學中,對自殺有一個基本的假定:「自殺總是發生在非正常狀態下,或是社會偏離了常態,或是一個人的精神狀況偏離了常態。」 於中小學校之心理教育輔導中自殺亦為重要課題,一般認為青少年的自殺易受新聞報導及同儕影響。中華人民共和國衛生部於2004年稱每年有28.7萬多人自殺。在台灣,自殺自1997年起進入十大死因排行榜,2005年有超過四千人自殺身亡。世界衛生組織的統計顯示,平均每39秒就有一個人自殺,使自殺成為全球主要致死因素之一。據估計,每年約發生1千萬~2千萬起自殺未遂。 2). 人類自殺的原因:人類自殺的原因可以分成兩個層面的上的原因,一是社會層面上的原因,一是個人層面上的原因。社會層面上的原因是回答:為什麼有這麼多人自殺;個人層面上的原因回答:為什麼他會自殺。要改變現在高自殺率的基本的辦法就是研究自殺的社會層面原因,然後針對這些作出相應的措施。 自殺這種行為通常被認為是一種非正常的行為,引起這一異常行為的原因有很多,也很複雜,但是自殺者往往都經歷過重大的負性事件,尤其對於非衝動性自殺。這些重要的事件可能是: *失戀,尤其是一段長期的戀情的結束——這屬於一段長期關係的結束的範疇,一段長期而重要的關係的結束是一人生中一個非常重大的負性事件。 *社會支持缺失,當一個經歷了挫折之後,又缺少正當的社會支持,或者長期地缺少社會支持,使當事人無法忍受孤寂與恐懼。 *主要生活方式的改變會使人無法適從,面對無法適從的生活狀態人們問題試圖尋求解決方案,當自殺這一方案被認定為唯一可行的方案時,自殺就可以發生。重要生活方式的改變包括:身體由正常變為殘疾,失去身心自由,失去社會地位等等。 *自殺還存在一個原因就是:報復。許多時候自殺是為了報復某個人或某個群體,當當事人無法改變他報復對象的觀點或行為時,自殺者試圖使用自殺的方法來達到改變的目的。 *有時自殺會得到社會文化的支持,此時有文件強調的情景下,可能引起自殺行為,這種行為叫做被期望的自殺行為。有自殺文化背景的人群可能會發生這類事件,如日本的武士道精神,以完成天皇的命令為榮,如果無法完成,則以切腹自刎為榮。 3). 有自殺傾向的初期警號:想自殺的人可能會在自殺前數天、數星期或數月有以下的徵狀: === 待續 ===
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