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A991=U11- 憂鬱症、焦慮症、毒品 JCW 2010/10/15. NoDerives (ND) Creative commons Copyright. ▽ External Link ▽ (1). My forum: https://city.udn.com/61613/forum (3). ISBN: https://city.udn.com/65088/forum (2). My blog: http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article (4). It’s fun: http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman/article (5). Windows Live > Office ---------------------------Translate多語言翻譯器 ---------------------- 宣揚安樂死者對以下這些話題必然有所認知。 因為主張安樂死和實行安樂死者都必須是有高度智慧和理性的人。 因為主張和實行安樂死者都敢勇於面對人生和現實;他們不是弱者。 人選擇安樂死並非逃避現實;他選擇安樂死是為了解決問題……… *** *** *** *** ★(1). 情感障礙、Mode Disorser – Wikipedia:情感障礙(又作情緒障礙、情感性疾患、心境障礙)是精神疾病診斷與統計手冊 (DSM IV TR) 中,對於診斷患疾的歸類。此類患疾的特點在於人心情上的混亂不安。在國際疾病與相關健康問題統計分類第十版(ICD-10中,以情緒性(情感性)疾患(mood (affective) disorders)分類之………Mood disorder is the term designating a group of diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV TR) classification system where a disturbance in the person's mood is hypothesized to be the main underlying feature. The classification is known as mood (affective) disorders in ICD 10……… *** *** *** *** ★(2). 躁鬱症、Bipolar disorder – Wikipedia:躁鬱症(manic depressive disorder),現在使用的醫學術語為雙相障礙[1](台灣則大多將此疾病的醫學術語譯為雙極性情感疾患)(英文名稱:Bipolar Affective Disorder或bipolar disorder),屬於情緒病的一種,在《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊》(簡稱DSM)中被歸類於第一軸違常。ICD-10編號F31………Bipolar disorder or manic-depressive disorder, which is also referred to as bipolar affective disorder or manic depression, is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a category of mood disorders defined by the presence of one or more episodes of abnormally elevated energy levels, cognition, and mood with or without one or more depressive episodes. The elevated moods are clinically referred to as mania or, if milder, hypomania. Individuals who experience manic episodes also commonly experience depressive episodes, or symptoms, or mixed episodes in which features of both mania and depression are present at the same time. These episodes are usually separated by periods of "normal" mood; but, in some individuals, depression and mania may rapidly alternate, which is known as rapid cycling. Extreme manic episodes can sometimes lead to such psychotic symptoms as delusions and hallucinations. The disorder has been subdivided into bipolar I, bipolar II, cyclothymia, and other types, based on the nature and severity of mood episodes experienced; the range is often described as the bipolar spectrum……… *** *** *** *** ★(3). 重性憂鬱障礙、Major Depressive Disorder - Wikipedia:重性憂鬱障礙,也被稱為臨床憂鬱症、重性憂鬱症、單相憂鬱或者單相障礙,是一種精神疾病。這種精神疾病的典型表現是:患者沉浸於憂鬱的情感狀態,自尊心降低,對以往感到有趣的活動失去興趣。「憂鬱症」這個詞通常指的就是重性憂鬱障礙,但有時也被用來稱呼其他憂鬱性障礙,在研究和診治中常使用「重性憂鬱障礙」這個相對較精確的詞彙。重性憂鬱障礙是一種對患者的家庭、工作、學習、日常飲食與睡眠,以及其他身體功能產生負面影響的失能狀況。在美國,大約3.4%的患者自殺。在所有自殺者中,至多可能有60%的人患有重性憂鬱障礙或者其他心境障礙。 重性憂鬱障礙的診斷基於以下幾個方面:患者對徵狀的主觀敘述、親友對患者行為的描述和對患者的精神狀態檢測。沒有實驗室測試可以用來直接診斷重性憂鬱障礙,但是醫生通常要求患者做一些身體檢查以排除會引起相似徵狀的其他疾病。重性憂鬱障礙最常在30至40歲發作,在50至60歲之間達到另一發病高峰。據報導,女性重性憂鬱障礙的發病率約為男性的兩倍,但是男性患者自殺的風險更高。 多數重性憂鬱障礙患者在社區中接受抗憂鬱藥治療,一些患者還接受心理治療或諮詢。對於自我忽視或者有嚴重自殘或傷害他人傾向的患者,可能需要入院治療。只有極少部分患者必須在短效全身麻醉下接受電痙攣療法。重性憂鬱障礙的病程可長可短,可以只發作一次並持續幾個月,也可能反覆發作並持續一生。患者的預期壽命較健康人短,部分原因是患者對生理疾病的易感性增大。患者或曾經患有重性憂鬱障礙的人可能會遭受社會的歧視。 幾個世紀以來,人們對憂鬱症的本質與病因的理解一直在不斷加深,遺憾的是,人們對憂鬱症的許多方面依然缺乏充分的理解。對於憂鬱症的本質與病因,有心理學、社會心理學、遺傳學、進化論、生物學的觀點。心理治療主要基於人格、人際關係和學習的相關理論。大多數生物學理論則關注單胺類神經遞質——5-羥色胺、去甲腎上腺素、多巴胺這類大腦中原有的、用來協助神經元間信息傳導的物質,這類物質與憂鬱症有關,大多數抗憂鬱藥物至少會增加一種神經遞質的活動水平………Major depressive disorder (MDD) (also known as recurrent depressive disorder, clinical depression, major depression, unipolar depression, or unipolar disorder) is a mental disorder characterized by an all-encompassing low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and by loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. The term "major depressive disorder" was selected by the American Psychiatric Association to designate this symptom cluster as a mood disorder in the 1980 version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III), and has become widely used since. The general term depression is often used to denote the disorder; but as it can also be used in reference to other types of psychological depression, it is avoided in favor of more precise terminology for the disorder in clinical and research use. Major depression is a disabling condition which adversely affects a person's family, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health. In the United States, around 3.4% of people with major depression commit suicide, and up to 60% of people who commit suicide had depression or another mood disorder……… *** *** *** *** ★(4). 焦慮症、Anxiety disorders - Wikipedia:焦慮症,全稱焦慮性神經症,是以反覆並持續的伴有焦慮、恐懼、擔憂、不安等癥狀和植物神經紊亂的精神症障礙………Anxiety disorders are blanket terms covering several different forms of abnormal and pathological fear and anxiety which only came under the aegis of psychiatry at the very end of the 19th century.[1]Gelder, Mayou & Geddes (2005) explains that anxiety disorders are classified in two groups; continuous symptoms and episodic symptoms. Current psychiatric diagnostic criteria recognize a wide variety of anxiety disorders. Recent surveys have found that as many as 18% of Americans may be affected by one or more of them. Anxiety disorder is divided into generalized anxiety, phobic, and panic disorders, each has its own characteristics and symptoms and they require different treatment (Gelder et al 2005). The emotions present in anxiety disorders range from simple nervousness to bouts of terror (Barker 2003)……… *** *** *** *** ★(5). 藥物、Drug - Wikipedia:藥物(英語:Drug),是指可以暫時或永久改變或查明機體的生理功能及病理狀態,具有醫療、診斷、預防疾病和保健作用的物質。包括天然藥物、化學合成藥物以及生物製劑等。為方便使用,常將藥物製成製劑後使用……… A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function. There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage. In pharmacology, a drug is "a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being." Drugs may be prescribed for a limited duration, or on a regular basis for chronic disorders. Recreational drugs are chemical substances that affect the central nervous system, such as opioids or hallucinogens. They may be used for perceived beneficial effects on perception, consciousness, personality, and behavior. Some drugs can cause addiction and habituation. Drugs are usually distinguished from endogenous biochemicals by being introduced from outside the organism. For example, insulin is a hormone that is synthesized in the body; it is called a hormone when it is synthesized by the pancreas inside the body, but if it is introduced into the body from outside, it is called a drug. Many natural substances such as beers, wines, and some mushrooms, blur the line between food and drugs, as when ingested they affect the functioning of both mind and body……… *** *** *** *** ★(6). 毒品、Recreational Drug Use - Wikipedia:毒品是指被人类当做嗜好品所滥用的功能性药物,多为精神药品或麻醉药品。因滥用这类药品有戕害身心健康之虞,所以称为毒品。通常使用毒品只是为了产生身体或心理上的娱乐目的,而非用来作生理或心理治疗之用,因此也有人称之为娱乐性药物。毒品通常具有成瘾性,随着使用时间的推移,身体对于药物的剂量需求也会不断提高。人在吸食毒品之后除了产生幻境及可能会造成行为异常外,过量毒品将造成死亡。各国对使用毒品均制定相关法律进行严格管制………Recreational drug use is the use of a drug, usually psychoactive, with the intention of creating or enhancing recreational experience. Such use is controversial, however, often being considered to be also drug abuse, and it is often illegal. Also, it may overlap with other uses, such as medicinal (including self medication), performance enhancement, and entheogenic (spiritual). Drugs commonly considered capable of recreational use include alcohol and tobacco, and drugs within the scope of the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and Convention on Psychotropic Substances.[vague] The fact that caffeine use may be considered recreational is often overlooked. Psychopharmacologist Ronald K. Siegel refers to intoxication as the "fourth drive", arguing that the human instinct to seek mind-altering substances (psychoactive drugs) has so much force and persistence that it functions like the human desire to satisfy hunger, thirst and the need for shelter……… *** *** *** *** ★(7). 毒品介紹 ☆ 了解毒品相關法令:毒品危害防治條例 (節要) * 第二條 * 第四條 * 第五條 * 第六條 * 第七條 * 第八條 * 第十三條 * 第十四條 * 第十五條 * 第十七條 * 第十八條 ☆ 毒品不要靠近我 ☆ 四級毒品介紹:第四級管制藥品原料藥71種(略) - 除特別規定外,皆包括其異構物Isomers、酯類Esters、醚類Ethers、及鹽類Salts,並不含其製劑。 ☆ 三級毒品介紹:FM2,白板,丁基原啡因Buprenorphine,K他命Ketamine。 ☆ 二級毒品介紹:安非他命Amphetamine,MDMA(搖頭丸Ecstasy),大麻Cannabis(Marijuana), LSD(搖腳丸,一粒沙),速賜康Pentazocine ☆ 一級毒品介紹:海洛因,嗎啡,鴉片,古柯鹼 *** *** *** *** ★(8). 認識毒品 ★(9). 毒品的圖片:認識我的專題;什麼是愛滋病?;香菸的害處;毒品的介紹;認識煙毒犯罪;酒的危害;檳榔的害處;毒品的圖片;站長寫真 === EOF === 請幫我鼓吹我的政治理念 A931CN★- 未 來 世 界 之 聲 2010-09-01 ☆ 謝謝你的支持 ☆ . . . .
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