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A986=U6- 你 我 都 會 老 JCW 2010/11/26. NoDerives (ND) Creative commons Copyright. ▽ External Link ▽ (1). My forum: https://city.udn.com/61613/forum (3). ISBN: https://city.udn.com/65088/forum (2). My blog: http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article (4). It’s fun: http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman/article (5). Windows Live > Office ---------------------------Translate多語言翻譯器 ---------------------- 你我都會老;老人活的健康直到無疾而終者,能有幾人? 你能活的健康直到無疾而終嗎? 你能確定你能活的健康直到無疾而終嗎? 你能確定你能活的健康,而且不折磨家人,直到無疾而終嗎? *** *** *** *** 你我都會老;老到自認「活夠了」怎麼辦? 等疾病或意外來折磨你到死? 等疾病或意外來折磨你到自己想死卻不死? 等疾病或意外來折磨你到家族希望你死、而你卻帶病折磨著家人而不自己死掉? 等疾病或意外來折磨到全家瀕臨破產、破敗,家族全都希望你死、而你卻帶病繼續不分畫夜折磨著家人而不自己死掉? *** *** *** *** 你願做個老不死的害人精?! *** *** *** *** 你相信「孝」嗎? *** *** *** *** 你懂得「愛」嗎? 你真懂得「如何愛你自己」嗎? 你真正懂得「如何愛你的家人」嗎? *** *** *** *** ★(1). 老年、Old Age - Wikipedia:老年一般指生物的生命周期的最後一個階段,即中年到死亡的這麼一段時間。 [老年人的定義]:不同的文化圈對於老年人有著不同的定義。由於生命的周期是一個漸變的過程,壯年到老年的分界線往往是很模糊的。有些人認為做了祖父祖母就是進入了老年,有的人認為退休是進入老年的一個標誌。 世界衛生組織對老年人的定義為60周歲以上的人群,而西方一些已開發國家則認為65歲是分界點。中國古代曾將50歲作為劃分。 [特徵]:一般來講進入老年的人生理上會表現出新陳代謝放緩、抵抗力下降、生理機能下降等特徵。頭髮、眉毛、鬍鬚變得花白也是老年人最明顯的特徵之一。 [對待老人的態度]:現代世界上各個文化圈都提倡對於老人的善待,中日韓等東亞國家傳統上要求晚輩侍奉長輩,稱為孝道。另一方面,從古至今,人類也會因為各種各樣的原因而歧視老人,遺棄老人甚至虐待老人,在遠古時有些民族甚至有「棄老」的習俗。 [別稱]:中國傳統上對於老年人的高齡有些褒義的稱謂。 60歲:耳順之年、花甲之年、耆[qí]艾:古稱六十歲的人為「耆」。下壽:古人以六十為下壽。 61歲:還曆壽。 70歲:從心之年、古稀之年[5]:、懸車之年、杖圍之年。中壽:七十為中壽。耄[mào]:70歲。 77歲:喜壽。 80歲:朝枚之年、朝枝之年、耄耋之年、傘壽。耋[dié]:指八九十歲的年紀。中壽:指80歲以上。 88歲:米壽 90歲:上壽:九十為上壽。 99歲:白壽,指99歲,百少一為99,故借指99歲。 100歲:期頤:指百歲高壽。期頤 108歲:茶壽:茶字上面廿,下面為八十八,二者相加得108歲。 [人口老化]:請看主條目:人口老化 [Contents]: 6 Individuals who became famous in their old age 9 External links:International Federation on Aging — informs and promotes positive change for old people globally;Age UK - UK charity supporting those in old age in the UK and in developing countries;People 'get happier as they age' *** *** *** *** ★(2). 孝、Filial Piety - Wikipedia:孝是中華文化傳統提倡的行為,指兒女的行為不應該違背父母、家裏的長輩以及先人的意願,是一種穩定倫常關係表現。所謂「百行孝為先」,反映中華民族極為重視孝的觀念。 孝的一般表現為孝順、孝敬等。孝順指為了回報父母的養育,而對父母權威的肯定,從而遵從父母的指點和命令,按照父母的意願行事。 儒家《孝經》開宗明義章曰:「身體髮膚,受之父母,不敢毀傷,孝之始也;立身行道,揚名於後世,以顯父母,孝之終也。夫孝,始於事親,中於事君,終於立身」,由此可見中華文化孝的觀念不只於孝順父母而已,孝順父母只是孝道的開始。《孝經·諫諍章第十五》:「當不義,則子不可以不爭於父,臣不可以不爭於君。故當不義則爭之,從父之令,又焉得為孝乎?」。《廣至德章·第十三》:「教以孝,所以敬天下之為人父者也;教以悌,所以敬天下之為人兄者也;教以臣,所以敬天下之為人君者也。」 《論語》中,子夏向孔子請問什麼是孝。孔子說:晚輩長保恭敬和悅的神色是最難做到的(子夏問孝。子曰:色難)。「孝」字在《論語》中,一共見於14章。其中為孔子所言,且與孝的定義有關者,共有5章。 道家《莊子·天運》孝的觀念:「以敬孝易,以愛孝難;以愛孝易,以忘親難;忘親易,使親忘我難;使親忘我易,兼忘天下難;兼忘天下易,使天下兼忘我難。」 印度及其他亞洲地區也有類似的倫理概念,另外孝順還可以推廣為一般對年長的人的尊敬和順從,比如對媳婦對公婆的孝順,對長輩親戚(比如姑、伯、舅、姨等)的孝順等。 In Confucian ideals, filial piety (Chinese: 孝; pinyin: xiào) is one of the virtues to be held above all else: a respect for the parents and ancestors. The Confucian classic Xiao Jing or Classic of Xiào, thought to be written around 470 BCE, has historically been the authoritative source on the Confucian tenet of xiào / "filial piety". The book, a conversation between Confucius and his student Zeng Shen 曾參 (Zengzi 曾子), is about how to set up a good society using the principle of xiào / "filial piety", and thus for over two thousand years has been one of the basic texts to be examined on in the Chinese Imperial Civil Service Exams. The term can also be applied to general obedience, and is used in religious titles in Christian Churches, like "filial priest" or "filial vicar" for a cleric whose church is subordinate to a larger parish. In somewhat general terms, filial piety means to be good to one's parents; to take care of one's parents; to engage in good conduct not just towards parents but also outside the home so as to bring a good name to one's parents and ancestors; to perform the duties of one's job well so as to obtain the material means to support parents as well as carry out sacrifices to the ancestors; not be rebellious; show love, respect and support;display courtesy; ensure male heirs, uphold fraternity among brothers; wisely advise one's parents, including dissuading them from moral unrighteousness; display sorrow for their sickness and death; and carry out sacrifices after their death. Filial piety is considered the first virtue in Chinese culture, and it is the main concern of a large number of stories. One of the most famous collections of such stories is The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars (Ershi-si xiao 二十四孝). These stories depict how children exercised their filial piety in the past. While China has always had a diversity of religious beliefs, filial piety has been common to almost all of them; historian Hugh D.R. Baker calls respect for the family the only element common to almost all [Contents]: 1 Filial piety and Confucianism 2 Filial piety and Buddhism in India 2.1 Introduction of Buddhism in China 3 Filial piety in Ryūkyūan cultures 4 Filial piety in Judeo-Christian thought 8 External links:The Filial Piety Sutra The Deep Kindness of Parents & Difficulty in Repaying It;Xiàojing: The Classic of Filial Piety === EOF === 請幫我鼓吹我的政治理念 A931CN★- 未 來 世 界 之 聲 2010-09-01 ☆ 謝謝你的支持 ☆ . . . .
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