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2009/04/30 16:19:18瀏覽710|回應0|推薦0

A278-學後教育      JCW, 2009/04/30.版權所有.

★☆★☆★ 超快速交通車 用滑鼠左鍵點一下就可進入

(1). "未來世界的政治主張" 原稿,請看:https://city.udn.com/61613/forum  世聯WodFed城市

(2). "未來世界的政治主張" 整理後稿件,請看:http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article  世聯城的部落格

(3). 說笑雜項,請看:http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman  用膝蓋想部落格

(4). 接龍創作,請看:http://blog.udn.com/JC00  外太空的009部落格


        前此,我已介紹了Basic EnglishSimple English,並收集了幾種高初中學校並不提供的社會科學知識資料。我深感我自己當年所受小學以至高中教育的範圍和內容不夠實際需要:高中畢業的教育程度應該遍及升格為公民並進入社會的一般智識;但是,我們的似乎多有侷限和偏重。似乎一般性內容的不如歐美日之處很多;以歷史和國情來說,對蘇俄與中東更幾近一無所知。我主張未來世界要實行 "隨時隨機修正的社會主義",那麼,未來世界的公民怎可以不懂得社會主義與共產和資本主義的不同呢?我雖然在放言 "未來世界的政治主張",我知道以我目前的智識程度來說,我根本就不夠格做 "未來世界" 的公民。我主張以Basic English為未來世界初步的世界語文,然則,我自己目前的Basic English讀寫聽說能力尚停留在八十分的粗通左右而已。所以,不免殊感悔不當初而有老驥伏櫪之想。

        於是,我在網上搜索 "網上免費學後自我教育" "網上免費圖書館" 的資料。我想:如有所得,至少可以有助於早年失學而想力圖補救的有志一同。

        但是,所得不多……大部分都是掛羊頭賣狗肉 "有商業意圖"("課程資料免費" 而非"教材和教學免費")



[1]★★★ 何謂教育 - WorkNets http://www.worknets.org/wiki.cgi? 可以找到的資料

 What is a wiki? - A wiki is a website where users can create and edit pages very easily. This means that is 10-20 times cheaper to create and update wiki pages than normal web pages. Sometimes wiki is called 

  a "authoring system for websites" or

  a "simple content management system" or

  "social software",

but is much more: wiki is a flexible tool for many applications.

WorkNets: Education - What is education?

  (a)What education means to everyone?

  (b)What does education mean to you?

  (c)What kind of education does our children need for the 21 century?

其下有Important Links for Education


[2]★★★ 教材或教科書是什麼 Textbook- Wikipedia - 維基百科本身是絕對非商業、非營利性的。照例是英文版內容較豐富而此處更為顯著:A textbook is a manual of instruction or a standard book in any branch of study. They are produced according to the demand of educational institutions. Although most textbooks are only published in printed format, many are now available as online electronic books and increasingly in scanned format in P2P中文 networks.


  1 History

  2 Market

    2.1 The "Broken Market"

    2.2 New editions & the used book market

    2.3 Bundling

    2.4 Price Disclosure

    2.5 Used textbook market

      2.5.1 Campus buyback

      2.5.2 Student to student sales

      .5.3 Textbook exchanges

    2.6 Rental Programs

    2.7 Open Textbooks

    2.8 International Market Pricing

    2.9 Production

      2.9.1 Cost distribution

      2.9.2 Research

  3 K-12 textbooks

    3.1 High school

  4 Mathematics

  5 Higher education

  6 See also

  7 References


[3]★★★ Courses at Free-Ed.Net - 這是一個真正的非營利性的,供應教學資料的網站;請看它的自我介紹 "About Free-Ed.Net"The mission of Free-Ed.Net is to provide quality distance education at no cost to the user. Free education is a dream whose time has come. Never in history has so much information and so many learning resources been so widely available at such a low cost.

        Free-Ed.Net is committed to providing an online "school" where users from around the world can study, take courses, and participate in online community activities at no cost. This enterprise requires us to build a new kind of learning model that takes into account the technological strengths of the Internet, information and computer technologies, and the needs of our users.

        Free-Ed.Net separates itself from other educational sites on the Internet by offering only the highest quality content that is available and by offering all content free of charge


[4]★★★ 網上圖書館

The World's Largest Online Library and Research Service | Questia.com - 這是自稱全世界規模最大的網上圖書館;要按月收費,但可以免費試用。它自己的說明是:Try Our Online Library for Free. Over 67,000 Books and 1.5 Million Articles. Subscribe Now to Access Online Books, Journals, Articles, Encyclopedia Entries and More.

Quick Links: http://www.questia.com 

Free Online Libraries at Your Fingertips - Shareware & Freeware, http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/ art8381.asp - 介紹幾個免費的圖書館。

Internet Public Libraryhttp://www.ipl.org/ - 應該是很大的圖書館。


[5]★★★ 我認為:假使能找到網上免費的美國高中教科書,對志願自習前修者就很理想了;因此去函查詢,如有回音當另行奉告諸君。

Date: 2009/04/30 Taipei

To: American Institute in Taiwan

From: jcwang00@yahoo.com 


  I am an 84 years old Shanghainess Chinese living in Taipei since 1949. I am advocating my idea "Politics for the Future" openly on my blog

"http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article 世聯城的部落格" while at the other

"https://city.udn.com/61613/forum 世聯WodFed城市" that carries all my writings in Chinese regarding same (Some 300 pieces of them, written since June 2008 up to the present). 

  My idea includes the adoption of Basic English as the world language and I believe people's education in Taiwan should be upgraded to a more international level to meet with the level our mutual future needs.  I wish to learn from you that if textbook materials in the USA for high school students would be available, preferrably on-line and free, for Chinese in Taiwan. And, I mean, the materials could cover all those including social and engineering courses. If available, I would like to let our people know so that they may prepare for to be people in the Future......I am doing that neither for money nor for fame. 

  For your info, I had been a trainee under the former U.S.Aid and I had attended U.S. language training so that I understand the adventage of both Basic English as well as a U.S. highschool level education.  I think Chinese of my kind would be glad to get the same at their leasure time........And It Shall Be for Good of Worldwide Human Beings in the Future. 

  Looking forward to your kind reply soonest possible, I remain. 

  Yours Faithfully,                            JC Wang  I/D#xxxxxxxxx

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( 時事評論政治 )
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