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A917- 分權領導Shared Leadership vs 集體領導Collective Leadership
2010/08/25 08:23:10瀏覽1446|回應0|推薦3

A917- 分權領導Shared Leadership vs 集體領導Collective Leadership

      JCW 2010/08/15. NoDerives (ND) Creative commons Copyright. 

External Link  

(1). My forum: https://city.udn.com/61613/forum      (3). It's fun: http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman

(2). My blog: http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article   (4). Relay Story: http://blog.udn.com/JC00 

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我猜想:中國共產黨所謂黨內集體領導 (Collective Leadership) 其實只是分權領導 (Shared Leadership) 而已?


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分權領導有不祗一個領導人,它的確是多人合作的領導 (Cooperative Leadership) 而非一人領導;基於此,你的確也可以說它是一種「多人共治」的領導方式。但是,嚴格地說,它跟「集體領導」是不同的;「集體領導」是「合作」領導而非「分權」領導。分了權就不是通盤合作了。

任何政府的治理 (Governance) 都是分權的;過去、現在和未來,一概如此。個人領導、分權領導、集體領導、則是指治理架構最高層領導的人數和領導方式之不同………

* 個人領導 (Sole Leadership):最高層領導的人數只有一人;即使有正和副首長,因副首長須聽命於正首長,它仍是正首長一人之治、所以仍是個人領導。例如中華民國雖有副總統,但副總統是備位的,乃仍是個人(一人)領導。

* 最高層領導人之下,例如中華民國,現在有行政、立法、司法、考試、監察五院,各由其院長領導;它們就是分權領導的了。


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二十世紀前半葉,人都主張實施直接民主;人們稱「直接民主」為「真民主」,其他就一概都是「假民主」。「假民主」之外又有「真假民主」和「假真民主」之說,用來形容政客和黨棍愚弄人民的手段。這些名詞今已罕聞了 ……… 我人的政治文化水準在不斷提昇之中;回顧既往,不竟失笑,蓋:王老頭在當年也是放話發言很多的年輕人啊!

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(1).  The home of O I C Soul-Leadership

Welcome to the home of O I C Soul-Leadership.

* Workshops, Teamshops, & Gaining Greater Business Results

* Questions to Consider

* About OnLineFollowup™

* Video: "Turning Insight Into Action"

* Photo Album

* Contact

Moving from Sole Leadership to SOUL Leadership marks a shift in how supervisors and managers view and interact with their employees, and … by doing so unleashes considerable amounts of creative, intellectual, and resourceful potential!

The embrace of Leadership-Above-the-Line is based on the notion that even though we live our lives horizontally, day to day, month to month, we actually  experience life vertically. Experiences become meaningful based on 1. how emotionally connected we are to the situation, 2. the health of our thinking, and 3. the choices we make.  These three concepts determine the degree to which we are able to live our life above the line.  

[Examples of Experiencing Life Vertically includes the awareness of the:

* Levels of Listening

* Levels of Self-Awareness

* Levels of Emotional Intelligence

* Levels of Personal Accountability

* Levels of Asking Effective Questions

* Levels of Role-Modeling and Mentoring

* Levels of Moods and how we Interpret Data

* Level of How Words Create Impact & Influence

* Levels of Giving and Receiving Coaching and Feedback ]

These areas form the core of the Leadership-Above-the-Line workshops that the O I C Group presents nationwide for managers, supervisors, and workplace teams.

The Leadership-Above-the-Line initiatives are flourishing, so stay tuned to this site as the web pages catch up with the service deliveries.

Visit the main O I C Group website

[ 20th Century  /  21st Century ]

SOLE Leadership  /   SOUL Leadership

Dependent  /  Interdependent

Competition  /  Collaborative

Authoritarian  /  Innovative

Expect Obedience  /  Expect Alignment

Top Down Directions  /  Bottom Up

Telling for Results  /  Asking for Results

I Win  /  We Win

Committed to Profit at Expense of People  /  Committed to Profit and People

Creates Sporadic Motivation  /  Generate Lasting Commitment

I s Highly Opinionated  /  Is Open Minded

Teach Subordinates to Expect Directions  /  Teach Importance of Personal Accountability

Fo cus on Fixing the Problems  /  Focus on Building on People's Strengths

Quick to Reprimand Those That Fail  /  Emphasize How to Best Learn From Mistakes

"Do As I Say, Not As I Do"  /  Model the Behavior You Want To See in Others

[ EMPOWER Reminders ] .... EMPOWER  

* Empathize with the experiences of customers & colleagues

* Model the behavior you want to see in your team

* Provide a safe, enjoyable, nurturing work environment

* Open up the opportunities for continuous learning and improvement providing useful feedback

* Win with your team by setting clear expectations and asking “How can I better support you?”

* Encourage ideas, participation and involvement

* Recognize and reward excellence at all levels

=== EOF ===


A810CN-       2010-06-20











( 時事評論政治 )
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