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2009/04/27 16:14:45瀏覽384|回應0|推薦2

A275下-金鋼鑽!            JCW, 2009/04/26.版權所有. 

★☆★☆★ 超快速交通車 用滑鼠左鍵點一下就可進入  

(1). "未來世界的政治主張" 原稿,請看:https://city.udn.com/61613/forum  世聯WodFed城市 

(2). "未來世界的政治主張" 整理後稿件,請看:http://blog.udn.com/jcwang00/article  世聯城的部落格 

(3). 說笑雜項,請看:http://blog.udn.com/jctheoldman  用膝蓋想部落格 

(4). 接龍創作,請看:http://blog.udn.com/JC00  外太空的009部落格 




  (1) 世界金剛鑽業的霸主

  (2) 金鋼鑽

  (3). Dimond stimulants(JCW擅譯:"代用鑽")

  (4). Enhanced Diamonds(JCW擅譯:"強化鑽")

  (5) 人造鑽 

  (6) 合成金鋼鑽 

  (7) "車玻璃" 

  (8) 如何 "" 玻璃 

  (9) 晶體與水晶(石英)

  (10) Fused Quatz and Wafers


(9)★★★ 晶體與水晶 

(9A). Crystal 中文- Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal - A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. The scientific study of crystals and crystal formation is crystallography. The process of crystal formation is crystallization


  1 Crystal structure 

  2 Crystal phases or forms 

  3 Other meanings and characteristics 

  4 Crystalline rocks 

  5 Properties 

  6 See also 

  7 References 

  8 External links 

(9B). 水晶(石英) Quartz中文- Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartz - Quartz (from German De-Quarz.oggQuarz (help·info)[1]) is the second most abundant mineral in the Earth's continental crust (after feldspar). It is made up of a framework of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra SiO4, with each oxygen shared between two silicons to give the overall formula SiO2. Quartz has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale and a density of 2.65 g/cm³.


  1 Crystal habit

  2 Varieties

    2.1 Citrine

    2.2 Rose quartz

    2.3 Amethyst

    2.4 Smoky quartz

    2.5 Milky quartz

    2.6 Major varieties

    2.7 Synthetic and artificial treatments

  3 Occurrence

  4 Related silica minerals

  5 History

  6 Piezoelectricity

  7 See also

  8 Notes

  9 References


(10)★★★ Fused Quatz

(10A). Fused quartz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Fused quartz and fused silica are types of glass containing primarily silica in amorphous (non-crystalline) form. They are manufactured using several different processes. Note that glasses formed by the traditional 'melt-quench' methods (heating the material to melting temperatures, then rapidly cooling to the solid glass phase), are often referred to as 'vitreous', as in 'vitreous silica'. The term 'vitreous' is synonymous with 'glass', when used in the melt-quench context.

        Fused quartz is manufactured by melting naturally occurring quartz crystals of high purity at approximately 2000°C, using either an electrically heated furnace (electrically fused) or a gas/oxygen-fuelled furnace (flame fused). Fused quartz is normally transparent.

        Fused quartz can also form naturally. The naturally occurring form is usually referred to as Metaquartzite and is formed under metamorphic conditions. An increase in heat causes the crystals within the quartz to become fused together.

        Fused silica is produced using high purity silica sand as the feedstock, and is normally melted using an electric furnace, resulting in a material that is translucent or opaque. (This opacity is caused by very small air bubbles trapped within the material.)

        Synthetic fused silica is made from a silicon-rich chemical precursor usually using a continuous flame hydrolysis process which involves chemical gasification of silicon, oxidation of this gas to silicon dioxide, and thermal fusion of the resulting dust (although there are alternative processes). This results in a transparent glass with an ultra-high purity and improved optical transmission in the deep ultraviolet. One common method involves adding silicon tetrachloride to a hydrogen-oxygen flame, however use of this precursor results in environmentally unfriendly by-products including chlorine and hydrochloric acid. To eliminate these by-products, new processes have been developed using an alternative feedstock, which has also resulted in a higher purity fused silica with further improved deep ultraviolet transmission.

        Fumed silica is manufactured by a similar flame hydrolysis process to synthetic fused silica, however it is in the form of a fine powder/dust and is typically used in applications such as fillers for rubbers and plastics, coatings, adhesives, cements, sealants, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, inks and abrasives.

        The optical and thermal properties are superior to those of other types of glass due to its purity (or rather, its lack of impurities). For these reasons, it finds use in situations such as semiconductor fabrication and laboratory equipment. It has better ultraviolet transmission than most other glasses, and so is used to make lenses and other optics for the ultraviolet spectrum. Its low coefficient of thermal expansion also makes it a useful material for precision mirror substrates.


  1 Chemistry

  2 Applications

  3 Physical properties

  4 Optical properties

  5 Typical properties of clear fused silica

  6 See also

  7 External links

  8 References

(10B). Fused Quartz Properties & Usage Guide, http://www.quartz.com/gedata.html 

Semiconductor Grade Fused Quartz Tubing - In the semiconductor industry a combination of extreme purity and excellent high temperature properties make fused quartz tubing an ideal furnace chamber for processing silicon wafers. The material can tolerate the wide temperature gradients and high heat rates of the process. And its purity creates the low contamination environment required for achieving high wafer yields. The advent of eight inch wafers combined with today's smaller chip sizes has increased chip production by a factor of four compared to technology in place just a few years ago. These developments have impacted heavily on quartz produced, requiring both large diameter tubing and significantly higher levels of purity………

(10C). Quartz Wafer & Glass Substrate, http://www.semiwafer.com - 這是竹科半導體材料有限公司的網站,其中有半導體晶圓(Quartz & Glass Wafer Semiconductor Wafer)的資料。 

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