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2011/10/16 23:30:56瀏覽215|回應2|推薦10 | |
It started from Sui-ren’s setting up the poles of earth and the trade winds calendar. Under the mountain Chang-yang and by the The daughters of sheep clan far spread out their loud and clear song. One of them named Ren-si marrying Shao-dian. The monarch Yan was born and surnamed Jiang. By the During eighty years old, he met the first monarch of the Due to the highest credit in the creation of the dynasty Zhou, his desendant was awarded feud the state Qi. Benefiting all nations, no wonder he deserved to be called a respectful name 註:從友人處偶得北京王大有先生所著《尋根萬年中華》一書,內 容為藝術家兼考古學家的王老師在數十年考古生涯中,從出土 古器物或殘片上考證出的姓氏源流與家徽,透過藝術手法作美 學的呈現,共繪製出中華128姓圖騰,並由大陸國務院以紀 念郵票方 式向國內外發行8千套,在短短兩年之間狂銷一空。 王老師不但考證出中華姓氏的萬年歷史,更為古代氏族遷 徙、融合的歷程,作詳細的論證與年代的考據,令人嘆服之 餘,不得不為現下炎黃子孫多疏忽自身姓氏的根源及其中所 隱藏的基因密碼而惋惜、浩嘆。於是透過友人的聯繫,獲得 王老師授權,為他古奧精深的考證文字,作淺顯易懂的新解; 並在學習中文已成為世界潮流的考量下,譯成簡明的英文。 一來可向世界介紹中華姓氏的文化現象;也讓全球華人對自身 所從來的根源有所了解,進而傳承、發揚華夏文明追本溯源、 生生不息的韌性與精神。
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