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這個月底計劃利用兒子赴奧地利參加青少年機械人世界盃錦標賽RoboCup 2009 | robocupjunior )的機會,申請到Graz(奧地利第二大城)附近的有機農莊嘗試生平第一次的WWOOFerWilling Workers on organic farms有機農場志工)(wwoof上有相關描述 ),由於時間有些緊迫,不知能否如願。 



標題:A Taiwanese want to be a WWOOFer


我的名字是Wang Yi-Hsiung



閣下可以從我的部落格上知道我 健康之路 http://blog.udn.com/jackwang4664  

6/29 – 7/5 10歲的兒子Chin-Te ,將參加在貴國Graz 舉辦的RoboCup junior 2009 soccer (football) competition, 他是今年台灣區國小組機器人足球賽的冠軍隊員(共3人),我們想利用參加此盛會的時間,同時體驗貴國的有機農業和田園生活,日期大至如上(可能前後延長1-2天),我們會遵守貴組織的規則並善盡責任,由於貴國WWOOF 的網站無法進入,所以先以此信來詢問以下問題 :

1. 6/29 – 7/5 期間是否於GRAZ處有農場可接受申請,且離比賽會場較近。(會場地址請參考  RoboCup 2009  http://www.robocup2009.org/1-0-home.html 

2. 是否有可接那我們家庭的農家? (夫妻和孩子共三人 身心皆健康)

3. 如果無法接受家庭,則我單獨一人亦可因為可能只有我能參與勞動,夫人和孩子可能會全天待在比賽會場,特別是孩子.

4. 請貴單位幫我先查明並推薦是否有符合的農家,如此才知道該繳的費用

Hi Dear Sir, 

I am Wang Yi-Hsiung, the Nutritional/Nature medicine Doctor at Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. You can know me better through my blog ( http://blog.udn.com/jackwang4664 )

During June 29 and July 5 of this year, my son, Chin-Te, will
participate the RoboCup junior 2009 soccer (football) competition, at Graz . My son is one member of the Champion team ( 3 person) of the elementary school team for the 2009 Robo soccer (football) competition at Taiwan.

My wife and I will accompany my son to Austria. We would like to take this accompany chance to participate your organic farm activity and taste the bucolic life at your Country. For sure we will follow your rule on WWOOF.  I have trouble to access your web, so I am writing to you to clarify the following concerns:

1. During 6/28-7/6, if any organic farms at GRAZ, near the
competition site ( RoboCup 2009 
home.html ), are available ?

Arrive: June 28  BR061  22:45/08:45+1

Departure: July 6   BR062  18:15/16:40+1

2. If they can accept my family 3 people who are all healthy

3. I am the only person to do some farm work ( my wife and son will go to the competition site). Based on this condition, if the organic farm can not accept 3 person all , I can arrange wife/son to hotel and just apply myself  to WWOOF  .

4. Please kindly help check and recommend the suitable farms
for my family. Thank you in advance....

5. If received this mail, would you feedback immediately.   



Dear Mr. Wang,
thank you for your e-mails and the fax. There are no WWOOF-farms in Graz, some around 40 - 60 km. But if you want to stay on the farm it is possible. I have informed theśe farmers and am waiting for their answer. I am sure we will find a good farm for you.
If you are interested please send the fee of Euro 25 + 2 for postage or we can meet on the airport and do it directly.  What is the right time of arrival?
22.45 or 08.45 + 1. Please tell me the correct time for your arrival in Graz.

Sunny regards

WWOOF Austria             
Pichling 277/9, A 8510 Stainz
Tel/Fax 03463-32096, Tel 0676-5051639









所以 我認為會增加彼此的困擾

因為 每日往返於農場和Graz間的交通問題





美好的風景  美味的食物 和友善的民風




Hi Dear Mr. Hildergard,

Glad to receive your fast response. Due to time urgency,
daily transportation problem  between Farm and Graz, plus lots
detail issue need be solved.  I decided to skip the trip to
Austria to minimize the dilemma. ( my wife and son will stay in
the hotel at Graz)
I had already visited Austria twice already. I do enjoy the
delicious food, beautiful scenery, and hospitable people
Thank you again.
Welcome to visited Taiwan for our beautiful scenery and cuisine.



Dear Mr. Wang,

at first: I am a woman!
I know, you couldnt know it and it doesnt mind!

There is just an answer of a WWOOF-farmer, who is looking forward to picking you up in Graz and to be your host for this week.

Please tell me exactly the arrival time in Graz, to can meet you and

the farmlist. Do you want to go directly to the farm? Then Elisabeth will pick you up on the airport. She is very interested in natural medicine.

This is the text of the farmlist:
The Kremel, which in some documents is also called "Greimbl Hof", is
documentary known since the 16th century. The farm is situated on a slope in the midst of lush meadows, pastures and fields and is framed by mixed beech woodlands and natural waters. This environment shelters a diversity of wild animals. Small mammals and especially birds find in the variety of insects, living in the herbaries, meadows, fruit trees and old wooden buildings, a rich supply of food as well as ideal nesting places. Just now a herb production plant is being built at the farm, where your help and your ideas will be welcome. In the process you can learn a lot about the cultivation of medicinal- and spice herbs, their use and their significance in nutrition and traditional medicine. But you will also gain knowledge about botany, nature conservancy and environmental ecology. You could help us with the production of herbal teas, herbal spices, preserved vegetables, jams, fruit juices and unfermented fruit juices. The raw materials for all these products can be found in our orchards, herbaries and domestic gardens. So do you want to act out at harvesting and tasting apricots, plums, apples and pears of every kind?
Or by wandering through the Ost- Styrian "alps" with its "summer- and pond alp" or the "vitalized" villages? (紅字是我看不懂的)

Looking forward to meeting you and your family with

sunny regards

WWOOF Austria       
Pichling 277/9, A 8510 Stainz
Tel/Fax 00943-3463-32096, Tel 00943-676-5051639
Achtung!!! Neue Homepage: www.wwoof.at
Konto-Nr. 5008743, Raika Stainz, BLZ 38210
IBAN: AT12 3821 0000 0500 8743, BIC: RZSTAT2G210

chster Sprechtag in Wien:
Mittwoch, 10.06.2009, 13,30 - 18 Uhr
ro, Sapphogasse 20/1, 1100 Wien
(Reumannplatz, Linie 67 bis Alaudagasse)
Bitte vorher anrufen!




先被埋怨了一下  德文姓名我是壓根不認得 錯把女士當先生

好巧 就這麼個的叫依麗莎白的農莊主人對自然醫學有興趣


看完信中下半段的文字 在我心中呈現出一幅美麗畫象

景色大至是一個推溯到16世紀的一個叫做Kremel(或Greimbl Hof)的農莊,位於阿爾卑斯山麓的斜坡上,在山林和溪水間有綠草如茵的牧場,這裏是飛禽走獸的庇護所,也是藥草、果樹和老木屋的棲息地,還有豐富的食物,正是理想家園。 正巧現在要栽植藥草,歡迎來幫忙。 在栽種的過程裏可以見識到很多與營養和傳統醫學有關的藥草植物;同時也得到植物學、自然保育和環境生態方面的知識。 還可以幫助我們製造藥草茶、香料、醃製蔬菜、果醬和果汁;這些都是出自農莊的果園和藥草園。 想要採收和品嚐杏、梅、蘋果和梨子嗎?或者流漣於阿爾卑斯山夏日的奧式風情中? 期待你全家的到來


我有點心動,一方面感動於對方的熱情,但是另一方面又怕是天上掉下來的禮物。 特別是到了一個遙遠的國度的某個不知名的地方,若是一輩子倘佯在香格里拉也好,就怕去做苦工十天,折了我這老腰。 





依據去年參賽的經驗,早上8點就要入場,直到晚上8-9點才出場用晚餐;因此孩子住到農莊,會造成彼此不便。 所以,母子隨其他團員(10餘人)去住EUROPA hotel會比較適當。



1. 農場地址? 網路上有無介紹? 

2. 此農場有哪些成員?

3. Graz比賽會場(Stadthalle Graz)的距離?

4. 同時間(6/28-7/6)有沒有接待其他的WWOOFer

5. 對於接待的WWOOFer 有哪些特別的規定?

6. 每天工作的內容和時數?

7. 是否可以上網?

8. 提供住宿和三餐嗎? 住宿的房間是單人房或多人房?是否包含衛浴間?

9. 農莊內是否有須付費的項目? 

若是得到回覆  我還想問

1. 此農莊參加WWOOF有多久了?

2. 每年開放接待的時段?

3. 每次可接待多少人?

4. 我該準備甚麼特別的個人物品?

Hi Dear Lady Hildegard

Many thanks for your warm hospitality and please forgive
my status on understanding to your explanation.   I do need some
help such as
     1. The address of the farm
     2. Is any web address so I can see Farm information
     3. How is the farm size and  how many people in this farm
     4. How is the distance between Graz contest site (
          Stadthalle Graz) and the farm?
     5. Is any other WWOOFer guest lodged at this Farm between
          June 28 and July 6
     6. How is the plan for my daily work and hours at the farm ?
     7. Is any Web connection at the farm, so I can access my
          email through Farms computer
     8. Does farm provide bed in the night ?
     9. Does farm provide 3 meals day during my stay ?
     10. How is the room as single or I have to share with
     11. Any paid item in this farm?
     12. Per the last year experience, my wife accompanied my son
         at contest site from 8:00 AM to 9PM. So my wife/my son
         will stay at EUROPA Hotel with the whole contest team (
         about 10 + people)  during7/1-7/6.
     13. My current plan is:  I would like stay at Farm for the
         most time during 6/28-7/6.  If there is suitable
         transportation to the contest site, I will try to see my

Appreciate Elisabeth can meet my family and our contest team
group at Graz.



各位看官  不知道能否提供我相關訊息和建議?



最後一封信  我已發出3次     直到今天6/15仍未見回音 


奧地利年費27歐元(1240台幣) 介於台灣(750元)和日本(2000元)之間.

這幾天若無消息   可能就只能單純陪兒子比賽了



已經等待了一個星期   再傳真一次   若不得回音   只有放棄 

奧地利與我們時差  在夏季是晚6小時 即正午12時 是奧國清晨6時


終於在晚上9點收到回覆  看完信  我的心思猶豫了  不知是否再繼續下去

這次行程倉促  到現在  參賽團的行程  是10天還是13或15天  都還未確定        旅費高昂和參團的人數不足和意見分歧是主因    

我想隨妻小同班機來回    所以實在難下抉擇?



Dear Mr. Wang,

excuse my late answer, I have many problems with the internet. Many questions,
not normal for a WWOOFer! WWOOFing means helping for free food and
accommodation, 4-6 hours the day - and looking forward what happens. You want
to be a WWOOFer for one week? I think for such a short time it is not
interesting how many people are there, you will surely have an own bed and
our WWOOF-farmers are really ready to welcome guests. What about so many
questions? Do you want to stay on a farm or to stay with your family? The
farms are outside of the towns and not able to bring you to Graz on every
day. Elisabeth is looking forward to meeting you. Normally we dont offer the
addresses of farms before people become members. I will do it and you can
organise everything directly with her:

About your arrival in Vienna: I have noticed the June 29th, is this right? If
we cannot meet in Graz please give the fee to Elisabeth and ask her to send
it. Thank you in advance!

I wish you and your family a pleasant journey!

Sunny regards

她先客套的道歉並解釋是網路的問題. 隨即言歸正傳認為我的多問非正常的WWOOFer.

並指教我說 WWOOFing的意義是從每天4-6小時的農莊工作中, 去了解如何生產有機食材

她對我只停留在農莊一個星期能學到甚麼感到質疑?   所以不應知道農莊有多少成員總之農夫會很歡迎我並且我會有床睡覺  她質疑我為甚麼這麼多問題?  問我到底是要待農莊還是陪妻小?   提醒我 農莊不在城裏不可能每天接送我往返Graz城 她話鋒一轉農莊女主人希望和我見面所以雖然只有成為WWOOF會員才能提供農場地址不過她還是給我農莊的e-mail 要我有問題直接問農莊


各位看官  若是你 下一步會怎麼走

以我的認知, WWOOF成立的目的是推廣有機生活和觀念,並藉由此組織建立國際友誼和文化交流。所以換工這檔事,應是你情我願的,雙方要想和諧相處,事前的溝通協調就很重要,到別人家做客,遵守規矩,幫忙家事農事,來換取吃住,總是應該的。 加入換工者,通常不是農夫,也多半不會想成為農夫。花了數萬元旅費(4萬元),千里迢迢的到了異邦,事前不搞清楚,豈不是自找苦吃的去探險、冒險或危險年輕人或可試試,老骨頭的我,就要量力而為了。




以下是給Lady Hildegard;



不過提醒你,WWOOF成立的目的是推廣有機生活和觀念,並藉由此組織建立國際友誼和文化交流。 加入換工者,通常不是農夫,也多半不會想成為農夫。 而且換工這檔事,應是你情我願的,雙方要想和諧相處,事前的溝通協調就很重要,到別人家做客,遵守規矩,幫忙農事,來換取吃住,總是應該的。如果事前不搞清楚,千里迢迢的到了貴國,賓主不盡歡,豈不是折損彼此的友誼?!




Per our previous discussion, it is too short time to prepare for this trip regarding my trip related issues. I am sorry to let you know my final decision is: I will not visit the organic farm to minimize mutual inconvenience. 

You are right that I cannot learn too much if my plan is to stay just one week at the organic farm. Sorry regarding many questions for the organic farm.

The purpose of WWOOF is to promote the organic life, organic concept, international friendship, and culture exchange.  From my standpoint, the participant guest, for WWOOF, is not the farmer. And his intention for this short participation time is for the farmer feeling instead of being a really farmer in the near future.

Pre-discussion, before the WWOOF guest to the local organic farm is very important to make both side clearly understand the mutual need and expectation. Being the possible guest position, I do like to know the responsibility to do some farm work to exchange my stay and eat at the farm. If I do not know well, I may not match the farmers expectation, especially that I am not the strong muscle person.

Sorry about the inconvenience caused. Many thanks for your help.
Welcome to Taiwan travel.

By the way, suggest that you can use credit card charge for the
payment arrangement as more easy way.



Hi Dear Elisabeth
My final decision is to skip the coming lodge at your farm. 
I think that I will not learn too much for the short one-week
stay. I am also worry about my capability to meet the farm work
request for my weak muscle... Anyway, I do appreciate your
help.... Hope that you have chance come Taiwan for the visit. I
am sure that I can offer the help you need.


台灣有機食農遊藝教育推廣協會-- WWOOF 有機農場志工體驗簡介


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