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2009/06/08 16:31:37瀏覽900|回應0|推薦4

今年(2009年)7/1-5 奧地利將舉辦的青少年機械人世界盃錦標賽(RoboCup 2009 | robocupjunior )項目包括機器人踢足球、跳舞和救援比賽。 

我兒將參加少年組的足球賽,目前正在緊鑼密鼓的準備中,我們夫妻倆的後勤支援作業更是馬不停蹄。賽前的準備工作很有意思,全家都很興奮,今年不像去年第一次參賽的矇懂,兒子見識長了,自我要求也提昇,所以將機器人的軟硬體複雜度拉高,更具自我挑戰。看他如此的投入,做父母的當然就必須全力的配合,瞧瞧集訓班(科豆科學http://cuddle.com.tw)上其他參賽者的父母也全都是如此。 連國內比賽落敗的同窗也在一旁幫忙,還自我期許的說明年一定要贏得出國參賽權。 

由於今年國際賽的規則更新,利用星期假日,科豆教室裏的孩子們在教練和助教的陪伴下,都在忙碌的工作 - 有的用線鋸裁切壓克力板、有的用鑽床打孔洞、在中央大桌邊上,兩個更小的宋家孩子搶著幫忙為機器人的零件化彩妝、我家孩子則在邊桌修程式,在中央大桌上的迷你足球場內測試機器人,不斷的反覆的工作了一天,直到疲憊的我們再三催促下,才肯收拾回家睡覺。兒子很滿意自己的進度,進攻程式寫好了,下回寫防守程式。而那些更大的孩子還不知要多晚才放教練回家休息。 

比賽的準備項目還包括製作壁報、power point簡介、準備名片和小禮物,以便與各國選手的交流。比賽時,大會以抽籤方式來分組,每組有三隊,各組憑積分晉級。如果能晉級,會再重新組合。其中的合縱連橫都要靠小朋友間的協調,教練和家屬是阻隔於圍場外面的。 在參賽首日會先有口試,讓裁判知道每一位參賽者對軟硬體的了解程度。去年口試時,有翻譯和同組隊員的代答,讓我兒過關。返國後他不再排斥英語課程,所以每週五次,每次兩個小時的純英語學習至今快有一年時間。 

以下是我為兒子準備的自我介紹初稿,講演時間約2分鐘,今日暫且po在網上請教各位是否能助我修改成一個10歲孩子能夠適切表達的講詞。 其實他要說的內容很簡單 : 我就是喜歡機器人,喜歡機器人的複雜和麻煩。

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm glad to come here. I'm very excited about the game.
I'm a member of the champion robot soccer team from Taiwan.
And my name is Tommy. I'm 10 years old. And I'm in the fourth grade. 
I've been enchanted with bulldozers since I was a little boy.
Every time I saw a bulldozer, I could hardly take my eyes off it.
Sometimes I couldn't help but climb up touching it.
Thanks to my parents' patience, they allowed me enough time and lit my passion for machines. 
When I was 3 years old, I saw an IMAX movie about a submarine.
There was the RoboArm operated by a remote control.
It totally caught my eyes.
I like it so much that I had to watch the movie more than 10 times again and again. 
It was in the same year that I happened to find this book about robots
one day when my mom took me to a bookstore.
The tome was too heavy for me to move,
but there were many stories and pictures about the development of robots in the world.
So for a long time, it became my bedtime story.
Every night, I couldn't wait to hear the stories.
Although my mom got lost in the term sometimes,
I was fascinated in the robot world.
Then, Mom found me another Discovery DVD introducing all kinds of robots.  Since then, robots have stayed the love in my life. 
When I was about 5, we got to know from a poster that
there were also schools in Taiwan teaching people how to make robots.
And I was so thrilled that, since then,
robots have come out of my dream and officially walked into my life.
I enjoyed myself so much from applied technology to AI,
from LEGO blocks to a real soccer robot assembly and code writing.
I couldn't be happier when I immersed myself in robots' world. 
I've started to take part in RoboCup in the last 2 years.
I do understand that in a game, some lose and some gain.
If I win, I'll definitely be hilarious.
But if I lose, I'll not feel frustrated and disappointed.
After all, getting to spend time with robots is the most important thing of all.
I've learned a lot and seen a lot in the game,
and hopefully my beloved partners and I will have a great time here in Austria.



我名叫 Tommy .十歲 ,是小四學生. 

小時後我很喜歡挖土機,每次遇到挖土機都會使我流漣忘返,甚至會要爸爸抱我上挖土機去操作一番; 每次爸媽都會耐心的等到我心滿意足時。 

記得在三歲那一年 , 我看了一部深海潛艇的立體電影 ,這艘單人潛艇上有一雙遙控機械手臂,我毫無來由的對那雙手完全的著迷 。那一年裏,這部電影,我重複的看了至少10次。


也是那一年  , 有一天媽媽帶我逛書店時,無意間翻到一本機器人的書 ,書本厚重的讓我搬不太動,可是裡面講述著全世界研發機器人的故事和圖片;這本書成了我好長一段時間的睡前讀物,每一天晚上 , 媽媽都會讀給我聽,雖然媽媽常會因為書中的專有名詞太多而讀到恍神,我卻聽得很專心。  後來媽媽又幫我找到一片  Discorvery  發行專門介紹機器人的DVD 使我更加的對機器人著迷。  

五歲的時候,媽和我從一張機器人的招生海報上,得知台灣也有專門教授機器人的學校, 那時起機器人就正式的走入了我的生命中,老師從生活科技教到人工智慧(AI),從較大的樂高積木練習肌肉力量到真正足球機器人的組裝和程式的編寫,這些都是我最快樂的時候。  





My name is Tommy Wang , I am 10 years old,
studying at the 4th grade of the elementary school.

I have already enjoyed playing piling wood game and  

assembling LEGO since I was a baby.

When I was 3 years old, I was inspired by a robot
related book in a bookstore.

At the age of 5, my dream came true after my mom found a robot teaching school.

I like to mimic the different roles such as engineer,
performing soldier at the march team, and fire squad.

The actions of assembling the robot and writing the robot program,

really inspire my interest on the dynamic robot field.

I gain a lot during the robot assembly troubleshooting.

I like reading, playing ball, and also love the computer games.
Life is colorful and challengeable. Great !

我是TOMMY 王  ,  今年十歲  ,  小學四年級  .

從小我就愛堆積木  ,  組裝LEGO ,   三歲那年  , 我在書店看到一本有關機器人的書 ,    從此我常常要求媽媽 , 幫我找學習機器人的教室 ,   直到五歲  ,  我終於如願 

我喜歡扮演角色 ,  幻想自己有時是工程師 ,  有時是閱兵典禮上耍槍的軍人 ,   有時是救難英雄 ,   直到我真正開始為我組裝的機器人寫程式 ,   我著迷於程式的複雜 與困難 ,   我常為了讓機器人更聰明 而動腦  ,  常動腦也讓我更聰明喔  .

我喜歡閱讀  喜歡打球   也喜歡玩電動    生活對我而言真是多采多姿

請參考  RoboCup 2009  http://www.robocup2009.org/1-0-home.html


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