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The Man from Earth soundtrack - Forever
2011/08/01 21:54:42瀏覽296|回應0|推薦0

I've seen rivers rise
Seen mountains fall
Seen endless vistas coming to an end
I've seen stars collide
Heard oceans roar
I know what it means to lose your only friend

Nothing lasts forever
That's what I've always heard
All things good must end
You know it's true

Nothing lasts forever
But maybe some things do
Forever is the way I feel for you
Forever is the way I feel for you

I've seen men take

The world into their hands
And change it, mold it, to their point of view
I've felt the earth shake
Seen men take a stand
And fight when it's the one thing left to do

* repeat *

Nothing lasts forever
That's what I've always heard
All things good must end
You know it's true

Nothing lasts forever
But maybe some things do
Forever is the way I feel for you
Forever is the way I feel for you

* repeat end *

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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