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2010/03/02 02:25:44瀏覽1228|回應8|推薦58 | |
觀光客 住西雅圖好幾年了! 女兒常帶我去一些名廚開的餐館﹐竟然沒想到帶我來這裡﹐也許她覺得只有觀光客才會到這種地方來﹐也許﹐這就是為甚麼我們三個老友今天會選定這裡聚餐。 海倫住西雅圖四十多年﹐退休前上班的地方就在附近﹐所以大街小巷都很熟悉。 約翰三十幾年前也在西雅圖住了一年多才移民加拿大。 我們的友誼直追至四﹑五十年前﹐海倫說她十歲起與我是中學同窗﹐十六歲上大學(她入學比較早)和約翰同系同班。 不久前我們約好一同北上給約翰賀七十壽(約翰在僑居地耽誤兩年所以是兄長)﹐我卻在節骨眼上摔斷腿﹐她只好隻身前往。 這回他們有同班同學來訪﹐約翰南下開兩天同學會。送同學上了飛機海倫就順道押了約翰來看我﹐因為約翰和我是同業﹐四十幾年前在台北就一起跑新聞。 我們決定吃海鮮是因為約翰喜歡吃羊肉﹐海倫屬羊不願意吃羊肉﹐我說我屬馬﹐不吃馬肉﹐所以折衷去吃海鮮。 海倫堅持要請客﹐因為她有一張免費優待券﹐三個人只用付兩個人的錢﹐叫我安心吃白食! 我原來說既然他們倆來看我﹐理當我請客﹐我還特別向女兒打聽該去甚麼餐館好﹐結果說不過她﹐恭敬不如從命! 他們把我送到餐館門口叫我先去訂位子﹐他們再去找地方停車。 進門果然人聲鼎沸﹐狹窄的走道兩旁地上都擺著不銹鋼的盆子﹐ 給客人裝螃蟹殼子用。 我到櫃台報了名就到廊子裡坐下來等﹐一不做二不休﹐觀光客到底﹐照相存證! 心想, 等約翰來了我要和這位老哥合照一禎! 這裡的風格就是端一大盆海鮮往桌子上一倒﹐每人給一個小菜板和一個榔頭﹐自己開工! 最美的事當然還是有富婆付賬啦! 餐館廣告如是說 Located on Seattle's Historic Waterfront, the Crab Pot Restaurant & Bar features fresh local seafood. Our specialty – “The Seafeast” - is what makes us unique! We take a variety of crab, clams, mussels, shrimp in the shell, salmon, halibut, oysters, potatoes, corn on the cob and andouille sausage steamed with mouth watering spices and pour it right on your table! No need for silverware, we give you a bib and a mallet and let you go at it! The Crab Pot Restaurant & Bar is one of the most enjoyable places to eat in the Pacific Northwest. The Seattle location is centrally located on the Seattle Waterfront. 海倫說下次我們去這一家 Located at the end of Pier 57 on the historic Seattle Waterfront, the Fisherman’s Restaurant & Bar offers a fine family dining atmosphere with breathtaking panoramic views of Mount Rainier, The Olympics, Elliott Bay, and Downtown Seattle. Watch the ferries go by while enjoying a fabulous meal or handcrafted cocktail. Our menu features Fresh Local Clams, Oysters, Crab, and Fish. The creation of our Fisherman’s Feast Style Dinners originated from the owner. He came up with the idea through his interest in fishing, clam digging, catching crab, and other seafood native to the Pacific Northwest. It is customary in the Northwest to have groups gather and enjoy the freshly caught seafood as a multi-course meal. Our signature Fisherman’s Feast Style Dinners are four courses starting with salad, a steaming cup of Clam or Fisherman’s Chowder, a bucket of Clams and Mussels, and five main seafood courses to choose from including prawns, crab, and salmon! |
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