2008年4月10日,獨立媒體Inner City Press常駐聯合國記者Matthew Russell Leeat發表新聞稱聯合國審查其紐約總部的互聯網,遮罩媒體批評網站Anti-CNN.com。只要在聯合國內部或者圖書館想嘗試流覽這些網站,員工就會收到從ICT安全單位的資訊:你打開的頁面已經根據相關政策被封鎖頁面將轉移,相關瞭解在ST/SGB/2004/15。Anti-CNN論壇上一位在聯合國總部工作的網友也證實了此事。
2008年4月11日,聯合國新聞發言人舉行午間記者吹風會, 其間有記者提到關於Anti-CNN被遮罩事件,發言人承認“對內部網站管理有統一的政策措施”但是未給出明確解釋。不過一周後,Anti-CNN就被解除遮罩。我們寫的抗議信還沒來得及發過去,此事便不了了之。
Question: I also wanted to ask about the UN’s computer system. I learned that, among the people that work here who use the computer system, there are a variety of sites that are blocked and that they can’t visit -- a message comes up saying ‘this site has been blocked because’ of…some policy. Some of these sights are not pornography, not gambling, but are political sites, for example Anti-CNN, the Chinese site that criticizes CNN, and Daily Motion, another site that has… What’s the policy of the UN for censoring the Internet for its own employees? Who makes the decision about which sites are blocked?
Deputy Spokesperson: I think we have an answer for you on that, or an answer is in the works for you. The UN is no different than any other organization in that it does have a management policy for its website.
Question: Well, I’ve read the policy, and it talks about pornography and gambling, so I just…
Deputy Spokesperson: I think we have more details for you upstairs. We’ll get those to you.
【中文翻譯】Bonbon 天女紗 三宅一生整理
UN Censors Internet In Its NY Headquarters, Blocking Media Critique and Non-Google Video Sites
Byline: Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City Press at the UN: News Analysis
UNITED NATIONS, April 10 -- The UN's computer system censors a number of websites, among them the Chinese anti-cnn.comsite devoted to searching for what it calls media bias. Also censoredis the site dailymotion.com, which after LiveLeaks.com took it down wasa remaining site hosting the controversial film "Fitna," which the UN'sBan Ki-moon denounced. In each case, attempts from inside the UN, bystaff or in the library, to read either site results in a message from the "ICT Security Unit"that "you have been redirected to this page because the site you areattempting to access is blocked according to the policy as detailed inST/SGB/2004/15."
This Secretary-General's Bulletinallows staff "limited personal use of ICT resources" unless theseinvolve "pornography or engaging in gambling" or would "compromise theinterests or the reputation of the Organization."
這則秘書長的公告,讓工作人員“有限地私人使用資訊和通信技術資源” ,除非這些資源涉及“色情或從事賭博活動”或“危及聯合國的利益或聲譽” 。
But whether or not the UN Organization agrees with the media critiqueoffered, for example, by anti-cnn.com, it is neither pornography orgambling, and keeping up with critiques of mainstream media couldhardly "compromise the interests or the reputation of theOrganization."