I thought I was embarrassed at that moment.
Also, I will be embarrassed about that thing always.
No matter what I want to say, it is too late.
I need the friendship, and I think it is just a meeting for us
to deal with that mistake we neglected in the past.
So, am I wrong?
Such is the challenge that we have to overcome.
Thank you for meeting all of you in Changhua Senior School of Commercial.
I feel upset because of the misunderstand.
Furthermore, I just want to tell the truth to our junior sister.
Let her know the truth, and I will be relieved.
Just as you think....
I am a coward.
Make it a wish that we will be happy again.
And, after the event, our friendship will be more stable......
My dear friends.....................I just hope that our club will be better.
But, just when I saw the award that you receive, I have no more emotion to present, and no idea to say.................
(picture: Such is a stupid smile that I miss my smile.)