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出口拚倍增 印度重啟經濟特區
2010/11/20 23:15:07瀏覽232|回應0|推薦1


出口拚倍增 印度重啟經濟特區





標準普爾公司(S&P)旗下的Crisil公司首席經濟學家喬許(Dharmakirti Joshi)說:「改善整個印度的基礎建設將需時長久。若要促進工業發展,須創立更多頂尖據點,例如這類經濟特區。印度需要製造業快速成長,以吸收持續增長的勞動人口。」

印度「出口促進委員會」前主管辛格霍(L.B. Singhal)表示,印度1965年在西岸的康德拉(Kandla)成立第一個經濟特區,並於1975年成立第二個,此後25年內又陸續增設了六個經濟特區。 

出口促進委員會創始會員宋塔里亞 (Rajesh Sonthalia)表示,地點選擇不佳、財政獎勵不足,且交通不便,使這些經濟特區注定無法繁榮。





印度致力推動出口,可能使全球出口導向國家間的競爭更形惡化。巴西、南韓等國歷經全球經濟衰退後,都試圖以出口提振經濟。巴西財長蒙迪嘉(Guido Mantega9月曾表示,各國為刺激出口而競貶本國幣值,造成「貨幣戰爭」開打。

新德里印度外貿研究所經濟學講師橋許(Rajesh Joshi)說:「印度與中國經濟特區的差異之一是規模。」去年3月底止的財政年度,印度出口額最大的經濟特區聖塔克魯茲電子出口加工區,占地僅100英畝(0.4 平方公里),外銷40億美元;中國最大經濟特區為海南島,占地1.31萬平方英里(3.4萬平方公里)。 





取材自【2010/11/19 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/

不可思議的百變風情 印度





.不可思議的百變風情 印度

Special Economic Zone

A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that has economic and other laws that are more free-market-oriented than a country's typical or national laws. "Nationwide" laws may be suspended inside a special economic zone. The category 'SEZ' covers a broad range of more specific zone types, including Free Trade Zones (FTZ), Export Processing Zones (EPZ), Free Zones (FZ), Industrial Estates (IE), Free Ports, Urban Enterprise Zones and others. Usually the goal of a structure is to increase foreign direct investment by foreign investors, typically an international business or a multinational corporation (MNC).

In the People's Republic of China, Special Economic Zones were founded by the central government under Deng Xiaoping in the early 1980s. The most successful Special Economic Zone in China, Shenzhen, has developed from a small village into a city with a population over 10 million within 20 years. India has also played a significant role in the founding and establishment of Special Economic Zones. It has the largest outsourcing industry in Asia.

Following the Chinese examples, Special Economic Zones have been established in several countries, including Brazil, India, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, South Korea, Russia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Cambodia, North Korea. Currently, Puno, Peru has been slated to become a "Zona Economica" by its president Alan Garcia.

A single SEZ can contain multiple 'specific' zones within its boundaries. The most prominent examples of this layered approach are Subic Bay Freeport Zone in the Philippines, the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority in Jordan, Sricity Multi-product SEZ and Mundra SEZ in India and According to World Bank estimates of 2007 there are more than 3,000 projects taking place in SEZs in 120 countries worldwide.

SEZs have been implemented using a variety of institutional structures across the world ranging from fully public (government operator, government developer, government regulator) to 'fully' private (private operator, private developer, public regulator). In many cases, public sector operators and developers act as quasi-government agencies in that they have a pseudo-corporate institutional structure and have budgetary autonomy. SEZs are often developed under a public-private partnership arrangement, in which the public sector provides some level of support (provision of off-site infrastructure, equity investment, soft loans, bond issues, etc.) to enable a private sector developer to obtain a reasonable rate of return on the project (typically 10-20% depending on risk levels).



Main article: Special Economic Zones of the People's Republic of China

Currently, the most prominent SEZs in the country are Shenzhen, Xiamen, Shantou, and Hainan Province. It is notable that Shenzhen, Shantou, and Zhuhai are all in Guangdong province, and all are on the southern coast of China where sea is very accessible for transportation of goods.


Considering the need to enhance foreign investment and promote exports from the country and realising the need that a level playing field must be made available to the domestic enterprises and manufacturers to be competitive globally, the Government of India had in April 2000 announced the introduction of Special Economic Zones policy in the country, deemed to be foreign territory for the purposes of trade operations, duties and tariffs. As of 2007, more than 500 SEZs have been proposed, 220 of which have been created. This has raised the concern of the World Bank, which questions the sustainability of such a large number of SEZs. The Special Economic s in India closely follow the PRC model.

India passed speci

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