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2018/08/04 15:27:18瀏覽107|回應0|推薦0 | |
我在之前寫過一篇文章: I wrote an article before: 安親老師不能只有一籃雞蛋, An teacher can not only have a basket of eggs 其實人生依理可證—人生也不能只有一籃雞蛋, In fact,life can be proved -life can not only have a basket of eggs, 尤其在現今低薪時代, Especially in today’s low-paying era, 單靠一份收入稍嫌不足, A single income alone is not enough, 全方位且多元的生活模式才是王道。 A comprehensive and diverse lifestyle is the king.
An teacher can not only have a basket of eggs 因為有一天 Because one day 家長和老闆會嫌你太老 Parents and bosses will be too old for you 即使你有豐富的教學經驗和滿腹的熱忱 Even if you have a wealth of teaching experience and full of enthusiasm 終究抵不過歲月的痕跡 After all, but the traces of years 所以 and so 從現在起 From now on 你的手上至少要有兩籃雞蛋 You have at least two baskets in your hand 但雞蛋不會憑空出現 But the eggs will not appear in the air. article [ˋɑrtɪkl]物品 ☆prove [pruv]證明 ☆especially [əˋspɛʃəlɪ]特別 ☆era [ˋɪrə]時代 ☆comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsɪv]廣泛的 ☆diverse [daɪˋvɝs]多變化的 ☆enthusiasm [ɪnˋθjuzɪ͵æzəm]熱情 ☆trace [tres]痕跡
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