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2018/08/03 20:50:32瀏覽129|回應0|推薦0 | |
跟自己說說話吧 Speak to yourself! 有時候「自言自語」也是一種抒壓。 Sometimes "speaking to yourself" is also a kind of pressure. 或許太習慣看不起自己了, Maybe too used to look down on myself, 總歸源自於長期以來的沒有自信。 It always comes from the long-term lack of self-confidence. 總覺得這個不會,那個也不行, I always feel that this will not, and that will not work. 莫名的畏懼和膽怯, Inexplicable fear and timidity, 時間就在分秒中流逝。 Time passes in minutes and seconds. 從「年過半百」到登上「55坡」, From "more than half a year" to "55 slopes", 眼力從1.2到老花, Eyesight from 1.2 to presbyopia, 體力從健步如飛到氣喘吁吁, Physical strength moves from walking to panting, 早已不是「姐」的時代, It is no longer the age of "sister". 計量單位從「阿姨」起跳(還算客氣的稱呼), The unit of measurement takes off from the "Auntie" (still a polite name), 翻開英漢辭典,彷彿置身五里霧中, Open the English-Chinese dictionary, as if in a fog 爬個樓梯還真使不上力呢! It’s really hard to climb a staircase! 瞬間,十分貼近「高齡人口」這個名詞, In an instant, it is very close to the term "old population". 由不得後悔, No regrets, 一句「早知道」就好了。 Just say "I know early". ☆pressure [ˋprɛʃɚ]壓迫、壓力 ☆confidence [ˋkɑnfədəns]信心 ☆inexplicable [ɪnˋɛksplɪkəbl]難以理解的 ☆presbyopia [͵prɛzbɪˋopɪə]老花眼 ☆measurement [ˋmɛʒɚmənt]測量 ☆polite [pəˋlaɪt]有禮貌的 ☆staircase [ˋstɛr͵kes]樓梯 ☆instant [ˋɪnstənt]立刻的 ☆population [͵pɑpjəˋleʃən]人口 ☆regret [rɪˋgrɛt]後悔
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |