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2014年02月04日 Master Baker Wu Pao-Chun (一)
2014/02/04 22:38:10瀏覽70|回應0|推薦0


Master Baker Wu Pao-Chun


Wu is a baking legend, and he first rose to fame in 2010.

It was then that he
beat out 23 other competitors from 16 countries at the Bakery World Cup in Paris to earn the title of Master Baker. In the competition, each baker had to bake a loaf of bread that reflected their homeland. Wu’s bread, which included local Taiwanese ingredients millet wine, rose petals, and dried lychees, took the top prize. Now, he is rolling in dough in more ways than one, for his Kaohsiung bakery racked up sales of over NT$200 million in 2012. Wu is determined to keep on learning and improving and is looking to earn his master’s degree in the near future.


吳寶春是烘焙傳奇,他在 2010 年時開始出名。

那時他在巴黎的世界盃麵包大賽擊敗來自十六個國家的其他二十三位選手而贏得了烘焙大師的頭銜。比賽時,每一位麵包師傅都必須烤出一條表現出他們家鄉特色的麵包吳寶春贏得首獎的麵包涵括了台灣本地的食材如小米酒、玫瑰花瓣和荔枝乾。如今他生財有道,因為 2012年時他在高雄的烘焙坊已有新台幣兩億多元的營業額。吳寶春決定要繼續學習提升自己,並且想在近期取得碩士學位 


1. rise to fame  出名

rise - r
ose - risen - rising

Wilson rose to fame after his new book became a bestseller.

Wu is a baking legend, and he first rose to fame in 2010.
(吳寶春是烘焙傳奇,他在 2010 年時開始出名。)

2. beat out  撲滅〔火〕; 戰勝; 打敗

beat - beat - beat ( 或beaten ) - beating

Roberts beat out Tony Gwynn for the Most Valuable Player Award.  

3. reflect [rɪˋflɛkt]  vt. 反射; 照出; 反映, 表現; 帶給, 招致; 思考, 反省

reflect - reflected - reflected - reflecting

That choice reflects your good taste.(那選擇反映了你的高雅品味。)

4. homeland [ˋhom͵lænd]  n. [C] 祖國﹐家鄉, 南非的黑人家園 homelands

a loaf of bread that reflected their homeland.

5. ingredient [ɪnˋgridɪənt]  n. [C] 組成部分; 原料; 要素, 因素 ingredients

What are the ingredients of the cake ? (這蛋糕是用哪些原料做成的?)

6. roll in  【口】滾滾而來; 盡情享受; 大量擁有(金錢等)

roll - rolled - rolled - rolling

he is rolling in dough in more ways than one.(他生財有道)

7. dough [do]  n.[U] 【俚】錢,現款

He makes a lot of dough at his new job.(他從新工作上賺很多錢。)

8. rack up  得分; 累計; 傷害

rack - racked - racked - racking

The home team racked up fifty points in the football game.  

his Kaohsiung bakery racked up sales of over NT$200 million in 2012.

9. look to + v  【口】想,期待

look - looked - looked - looking

I am looking to be with you soon.(我希望不久能和你在一起。)

He is looking to earn his master’s degree in the near future.

( 知識學習語言 )
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