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2010/09/16 22:28:44瀏覽248|回應0|推薦1

Most people feel anxious when they are confused but must act regardless. An investor can procrasting(延宕) indefinitely(無限期地) about making an investment. But he cannot escape the decision to take a profit or a loss. He can only rid(擺脫) himself of this anxiety by clarifying his investment philosophy and criteria.

NO.4 Develop your own unique investment philosophy.
(The market is always WRONG.)
NO.5 Develop your own, personal system for selecting, buying, and selling investments.
(You are what you measure.)
NO.8 Refuse to make investments that do not meet your criteria.
(If you dont know when to say Yes,Always say NO.)
NO.10 Have infinite patience.
(When theres nothing to do, DO nothing!)
雖然虧損部位不大,但沒有明確的策略,"卡"在那裡不上不下,總是讓東尼confused。如今不想再延宕,必定要make a decision…
NO.2 Passionately avoid risk!
NO.7 Only invest in what you understand.
→贏家心法在於執著於競爭優勢圈。既然總體經濟與國際情勢不是東尼所擅長,so why not let it be!
NO.12 Know when to sell before you Buy!

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