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2008/03/07 19:56:28瀏覽400|回應0|推薦1


I want everyone to pay special 

+ extra careful attention to E-bay selling &

their buyers. 

There are 網路詐騙 in anywhere you could think of. 當然還包括住Nigeria . (就沖著這個,本宮不削認養任何非洲ㄉ小孩)當然認為人渣生出來ㄉ小孩有沒有書唸有沒有錢看病 當然跟本宮無關 (最機車ㄉ是在down town街上走路 走ㄉ好好的 半路上被在美國ㄉ路人拿版子攔下問

How are you?然後隨即問要不要認養非洲ㄉ小孩)就因為有那些吞了我們ㄉ$$$$ 我ㄉ愛寄國際快遞 game主機和 games那些住Nigeria收到包裹ㄉ死不要臉ㄉ:很過分很囂張耶**不付帳也再也無消息)  !! 越想越氣●●他們也配有second  chance?! 他們也配有人替他們建學校或叫我們來認養他們?他們在我眼裡都是沒資格生存下去ㄉ人渣啦!

去死啦 檔我路ㄉ  什麼爛問題 當然是絕對不會去認養啦! Nigeria那些人渣先還我們錢再說。幹麻不先問我有沒有在工作?再問我如果現在有工作想不想捐錢 才對吧。 

Never response to an e-mail that has

anything to do with PayPal selling.

And never do any immediately

action from the e-mail. 

我就說:怎麼可以沒看到錢 就先寄東西 啊

還用國際快遞寄出去 還付運費保險費 搞什麼東西


Before sending off your products

through the post office,

double check that you really got the

money in your hand from the buyer.

Wait until it has a statement in

your PayPal or if the check is in

and you are  able to cash it.

Then mail off the thing. 

Do lots of background checkinng: 

Most importantly, the bottom line,

No tolerate Period:

No money in, No sending off the products.

感覺: 5/31/2007
( 在地生活北美 )
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