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Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world 。 ~Arthur Schopenhauer 人人都把自己視野的極限,當作世界的極限。 ~ 叔本華 Character is destiny 。 ~Heraclitus 個性即命運。 ~ 赫拉克利圖斯,希臘哲學家 Every problem has a gift for you in its hands 。 ~Richard Bach 每個問題的手裡,都握有一份給你的禮物。 ~ 李察、巴哈,美國知名作家。 Self-trust is the first secret of success 。 ~Ralph Waldo Emerson 自信乃成功之第一秘訣。 ~ 愛默生 Adversity reveals genius , prosperity conceals it 。 ~Proverb 逆境顯露天才,順境埋沒天才。 ~ 西方諺語 A watched pot never boils 。 ~Western Proverb 心急水不沸。 ~ 西方諺語 The eye is blind if the mind is troubled 。 ~Walter Scott 心亂則眼盲。 ~ 史考特 Where the telescope ends , the microscope begins ; Which of the two has the grander view ? ~Victor Hugo 望遠鏡發明之後,顯微鏡問世;哪一種提供比較遼闊的視野? ~ 雨果 , 法國浪漫主義文豪 Each animal and plant has received its peculiar organization for the purpose…of sustaining its own existence ; Its perfection , therefore , consists…in the adaptation of its whole structure to the external circumstances in which it is destined to live 。 ~A.G. Strickland and Helville 動植物各自擁有其功能殊異的組織,以維持生命 . 因而必須持續地因應外在環境,進行整體結構的調整 . 。 ~ 史崔克蘭與賀維爾 In prosperity , caution ; in adversity , patience 。 ~English Proverb 處順境時須謹慎;處逆境時須耐性。 ~ 英國諺語 It is no use to blame the looking glass if your face is awry 。 ~Nkolai Vasilievich Gogol 如果你的臉歪斜,責怪鏡子也無用 ~ 果戈里 Peace comes from within , Do not seek it without 。 ~Sakyamuni 平靜來自內心,無須自外界尋求。 ~ 釋迦牟尼 Restraint is the golden rule of enjoyment 。 ~Western Proverb 節制乃幸福之鐵則。 ~ 西方諺語 Shame is an ornament to the young ; a disgrace to the old 。 ~Aristotle 羞恥是年輕人的裝飾 , 老年人的污點 Hope for the best , but prepare for the worst 。 ~English proverb 抱最大的希望,做最壞的打算。 ~ 英國諺語 We need to witness our own limits transgressed , and some life pasturing freely where we never wander ~Henry, David Thoreau 我們必須見證自我極限的超越,看看在人類未曾涉足之地,生命如何自由地生活 ~ 梭羅,美國作家 There is no education like adversity 。 ~Proverb 逆境乃最佳之教育。 ~ 諺語 The dishonest , if they act honestly, get no credit 。 ~Aesop 不誠實的人即使做了誠實的事,也得不到信任。 ~ 伊索 The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none 。 ~Thomas Carlyle 最大的錯便是不知自己有錯。 ~ 喀萊爾 There is enough information capacity in a single human cell to store the Encyclopedia Britannica , all 30 volumes of it, three or four times over 。 ~Richard Dawkins 人類單一細胞的資訊蘊藏量即足以容納三到四部三十巨冊的 < 大英百科全書 > ~ 道金斯,英國著名動物學家 The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth , and to have it found out by accident 。 ~Charles Lamb 最愉快的事乃默默行善而偶然被發現。 ~ 蘭姆 To regret one’s errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance ~Ernest Miller Hemingway 懺悔自己的過失而不致於重犯,才是真正的悔悟。 ~ 海明威 To undergo suffering is easy, to repel temptation , difficult 。 ~Shih Ming-The 承受苦難易,抗拒誘惑難。 ~ 施明德 You are your greatest enemy if you a coward but if you are brave , you are your greatest friend. 。 ~Glenn Frank 如果你是懦夫,你就是自己最大的敵人,如果你是勇者, 你就是自己最好旳朋友。 ~ 佛蘭克 Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success 。 ~John Hays 品格是成功的真正基礎。 ~ 漢孟,美國電機工程師及發明家 We live in a noisy environment , with too much information, and the main task is pull information out of that ; The brain does that by making maps that accentuate the useful information ; And once you do that, it makes sense to store it 。 ~John Allman 我們居住在一個資訊泛濫的嘈雜環境裡,大腦的主要工作就是, 將有用的訊息篩選出來,然後儲存才是有意義的 ~ 歐曼 , 美國腦神經生物學家 Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes ~Walt Whitman 無論身處何處 , 試著先安定你的靈魂。 ~ 惠特曼,美國浪漫主義詩人 Miracles surround us at every turn if we but sharpen our perceptions of them 。 ~Willa Cather 若能磨練感官知覺,生活中處處驚奇 ~ 威拉、凱瑟,美國女性小說家 Put yourself in a different room , that’s what the mind is for 。 ~Margaret Atwood 讓自己置身於不同時空 , 這就是心靈的用處 ~ 瑪格麗特、艾特伍 , 加拿大著名小說家 The Human world is full of emotions , not because we are animals at heart , but rather because it is still full of signals that elate or threaten , and replete with events and people that produce discrepancies and interruptions 。 ~George Mandler 人類世界充滿著情緒,並非因為在內心深處,我們仍是動物; 在於此間充斥著喜悅、威脅的訊息,造成矛盾干擾的人事物。 ~ 曼德勒,英國心理學家 It is a relief when things get to their worst ; You know what the worst is and can begin to plan for better things 。 ~Elinore Pruitt Stewart 事情壞到極點,反而可以喘一口氣; 你知道最糟的情況是什麼,可以著手讓事情變好。 ~ 艾林默、史華德,美國女權運動推動者 Pardon is the glorious revenge 。 ~English Proverb 寬恕乃光榮的報復。 ~ 英國諺語 If you expect someone else to guide you , you’ll be lost 。 ~James Earl Jones 指望別人為你引路,勢將迷途。 ~ 詹姆斯 . 瓊斯 , 美國非裔知名影星 Life is what happens while you are making other plans ~John Lennon 人生就是你在進行計畫時,另外冒出來的那些事情。 ~ 約翰、藍儂,披頭四樂團主唱 The wise with hope support the pains of life 。 ~Euripides 懷抱希望的智慧,面對生命的苦痛。 ~ 尤利披蒂,希臘悲劇作家 The hardest thing to understand is why we understand anything at all 。 ~Albert Einstein 難以理解是,人類何以能夠理解。 ~ 愛因斯坦,美國猶太裔物理學家 (A) mind of large general powers , accidentally determined some particular direction,ready for all things , but chosen by circumstances for one 。 ~Samuel Johnson 擁有偉大廣博力量的心靈,意外地確立了特定方向,做好準備; 最終卻必須由環境做出決定。 ~ 約翰生 , 英國文學家 Error can often be fertile , but perfection is always sterile 。 ~A.J.P. Taylor 錯誤蘊含創造力,完美則空洞貧瘠 ~ 泰勒,英國歷史學家 And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started And to know the place for the first time ~T.S. Eliot 我們的探索終在起點結束,能夠好好地認識那個地方。 ~ 艾略特,英國詩人,劇作家 You must not lose faith in humanity , Humanity is an ocean ; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty , the ocean does not become dirty 。 不要對人性失去信心,人性好比大海,它雖然有幾滴髒水,但大海卻不會變髒。 ~ 甘地 He laughs best that (who) laughs last 。 ~Western Proverb 最後笑的人笑得最好。 ~ 西方諺語 The human spirit lives on creativity and dies in conformity and routine 。 ~Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan 心靈以創意為生,埋葬在服從與制式裡。 ~ 維拉亞特,英國印裔蘇菲派大師 I cannot choose the best , The best choose me 。 我不可能選擇『最佳』;『最佳』選擇我。 If you shed tears when you miss thesun,you also miss the stars 。 如果你因為錯失太陽而流淚你也將錯失群星。 Let my doing nothing when I have nothing to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when the water is silent 。 「當我沒有什麼事做時,便讓我不做什麼事,不受騷擾 地沉入安靜深處吧,一如那海水沉默時海邊的暮色。」 ~~ 泰戈爾 Life is the first gift , love is the second and understanding , the third 。 ~Marge Piercy 生命是第一個禮物,愛是第二個,諒解是第三個 ~ 瑪芝、皮爾西,美國女作家 We live , as we dream-alone 。 ~Joseph Conrad 我們孤獨地活著,一如我們孤獨地做著夢。 ~ 康拉德,英國作家 But at my back I always hear Time’s winged chariot hurrying near 。 ~Andrew Marvell 總是聽到背後傳來 ---- 光陰乘著羽翼馬車 , 追趕過來的聲音 ~ 馬維爾,英國詩人 Hope springs eternal in the human breast ~Alexander Pope 希望在人類的心中種下永恆 ~ 波普,英國詩人 My evening came among the alien trees and spoke in a language which my morning stars did not know 。 我的黃昏來自異國的林間,說著一種連我的晨星也聽不懂的語言。 Night’s darkness is a bag that bursts with the gold of the dawn 。 夜之黑暗是個袋子,滿溢著黎明的金光。 Our desire lends the colours of the rainbow to the mere mists and vapours of life 。 ~Rabindranath Tagore 我們的慾望將彩虹的色彩,借給僅有雲煙的生命。 ~ 泰戈爾 Set the bird’s wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky 。 將鳥的羽翼鑲上黃金,它便再也無法翱翔於天際。 ~Rabindranath Tagore ~ 泰戈爾 The same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness , under another name 。 在我們家鄉所綻放的蓮花,也在異地的水中飄散出香甜, 只是有著另一個名字。 In heart’s perspective the distance looms large 。 在心靈的透視下,遠方之物將被放大。 The moon has her light all over the sky her dark spots to herself 。 ~Rabindranath Tagore 月亮將月光灑滿天際 , 卻將黑暗留給自己。 ~ 泰戈爾 The night’s silence , like a deep lamp , is burning with the light of its Milky Way 。 夜的寧靜,如一盞深燈,燃著銀河之光。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 。 ~Western Proverb 整天工作沒有娛樂會令人遲鈍。 ~ 西方諺語
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