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Skillet - Whispers in the dark
2012/06/19 01:01:35瀏覽187|回應0|推薦0

"Whispers In The Dark"“黑暗中的低語”

Despite the lies that you're making儘管謊言是你造成的
Your love is mine for the taking你的愛是我拿走的
My love is我的愛
Just waiting只是等待著
To turn your tears to roses去轉動你的眼淚玫瑰

Despite the lies that you're making儘管謊言是你造成的
Your love is mine for the taking你的愛是我拿走的
My love is我的愛
Just waiting只是等待著
To turn your tears to roses去轉動你的眼淚玫瑰

I will be the one that's gonna hold you我將成為那一個要去擁抱你的人
I will be the one that you run to我將成為那一個讓你想去逃跑
My love is我的愛
A burning, consuming fire一個燃燒著,消耗著的火

You'll never be alone你將永遠不會孤單
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars當黑暗來臨的時候,我會用星星點亮夜晚
Hear the whispers in the dark在黑暗中聽到的耳語
You'll never be alone你將永遠不會孤單
When darkness comes you know I'm never far當黑暗降臨,你知道我從未遠離
Hear the whispers in the dark在黑暗中聽到的耳語
Whispers in the dark黑暗中的低語

You feel so lonely and ragged你感到很孤獨,衣衫襤褸
You lay here broken and naked你躺在這裡分解和赤裸
My love is我的愛
Just waiting只是在等待
To clothe you in crimson roses要你穿上深紅色的玫瑰花

I will be the one that's gonna find you我將要當個要去找到你的人
I will be the one that's gonna guide you我將要當個引導你的人
My love is我的愛
A burning, consuming fire一個燃燒著,消耗著的火

[Chorus x2][合唱X2]

Whispers in the dark [x3]黑暗中的低語X3
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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