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zahqo - Dream
2012/05/04 23:47:30瀏覽79|回應0|推薦0

Trapped by massive darkness受困於龐大的黑暗
Weightless, you slip away無重力,你溜走了
Gravity rules some worlds,某些世界的重力規則
some bodies are frail某些身體是虛弱的

Your perfect image dissolving你的完美形象,溶解
My joyful dream escapes我的快樂夢想逃離
Resolving to a vision where解析一個夢想
colors seem stale.顏色顯得陳舊。

When you took me under your wing當你把我帶到你的羽翼之下
You showed me what was real你給我看什麼是真實的
I never knew how to fly我從來不知道怎麼飛
Til you showed me how to feel直到你教我如何去感受

Catch a draft, slow my breathing捕捉一個草稿,放緩我的呼吸
Feel my heart race in my chest覺得我的心在我的胸口狂奔
and while I think,而我認為,
"I will surely die today"“我今天一定會死掉”

I behold your simple beauty我看見你的樸素之美
feel the warmth of your spark感受到你溫暖的火花
Let my second wind願我的第二個風
carry me away帶我走

The sky's cold breath is in chase在追逐天空的寒冷氣息
Sunshine flirts with my eyes我眼中的陽光調情
Where no rain curses如果沒有雨的詛咒
the suns golden glow太陽的金色光芒

Some like to talk of freedom有些人喜歡談自由
as if they understand;如果他們理解;
it's just you and I and the thin air這只是你和我稀薄的空氣中
and nowhere to go,無處可去

When you took me under your wing當你把我帶到你的羽翼之下
You showed me what was real你給我看什麼是真實的
I never knew how to fly我從來不知道怎麼飛
Til you showed me how to feel直到你教我如何去感受

And you flew, flew with me和你飛,和我一起飛
Said no way could we be apart說絕不,我們可否被分開
And we dreamed, dreamed to be,我們夢想,夢想是
Something beautiful.美麗的東西。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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