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Studio Killers - Ode To The Bouncer吹牛頌
2011/12/31 17:47:36瀏覽882|回應0|推薦0


Studio Killers -  Ode To The Bouncer吹牛頌

Nope, I haven't had no dope不,我沒有沒有塗粉
Lift up the velvet rope抬起絨繩
Mr doorman stop teasing門衛先生停止戲弄
I'm freezing out here我在這裡凍結了

See, I've got friends inside你看,我已經有了內部的朋友
It's my birthday tonight今晚我的生日
And I'm not wearing trainers而且我不是穿戴訓練員
Not to mention knickers更不用說內褲

It's futile to debate這是徒勞的辯論
With St Peter at the gate隨著在門口的聖彼得
Made of protein milkshake製成的蛋白質奶昔
And low carb intake和低卡路里

'Cause all in all you're just another prick at the door“原因你只是門的另一點刺

Ooh, let me in or I'll get physical with you噢,讓我進去我會得到你的實力
I just gotta dance right now, it's critical to do我只是愛舞蹈,這是現在去做的關鍵

Bouncer, hey bouncer, bouncer bouncer bouncer bouncer愛說大話的,哎保鏢,保鏢保鏢保鏢保鏢

Bouncer, empowered and aroused愛說大話的,獲授權和激起
I see it in your trousers我看到它在你的褲子
And in the way your browse her和你的方式瀏覽她
Look she's in!正在看她!

WHAT?! Her dress is up to waterline什麼?!她的衣服是可達水準
That bitch is clearly borderline這婊子輪廓清楚
Nose as white as Snow White's, in moonlight在月光下,潔白如雪的鼻子

We stand in awe in front of another prick at the door我們主張在門口前面的另一點刺敬畏

Ooh, let me in or I'll get physical with you噢,讓我進去我會得到你的實力
I just gotta dance right now, it's critical to do我只是愛舞蹈,這是現在去做的關鍵

Bouncer, hey bouncer, bouncer bouncer bouncer bouncer愛說大話的,哎保鏢,保鏢保鏢保鏢保鏢

Ooh, let me in or I'll get physical噢,讓我進去我會得到你的實力
I just gotta dance right now, it's critical我只是愛舞蹈,現在,它的關鍵

So you can play karate所以,你可以玩空手道
You thick illiterati*你厚厚的無知(*註)
I'm a black belt in life我是一個活生生的黑腰帶
So go home to your ugly wife所以你的醜妻回家

You forgot in your wisdom你忘了你的智慧
The window to the ladies room女廁所的窗口
A whole new possibility for a cat like me像我這樣的貓一個全新的可能性

Ooh, let me in or I'll get physical with you噢,讓我進去我會得到你的實力
I just gotta dance right now, it's critical to do我只是愛舞蹈,這是現在去做的關鍵

Bouncer bouncer bouncer bouncer bouncer愛說大話的保鏢保鏢保鏢保鏢

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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