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Pendulum - Granite花崗岩
2011/12/31 01:31:42瀏覽174|回應0|推薦0

Pendulum - Granite花崗岩

You can hide your eyes, you can dim the lights, but they are watching.
This is a new time, with a different kind, they are the future.這是一個一種不同的嶄新的時代他們是未來
The only one!只有一個 

This is the final call for the setting sun when they get closer.這是夕陽最終呼喚當他們接近
Now with a fall from grace, thy will be done, the show is over.現在失寵完成,這秀是結束了。
It's a new dawn!這是一個新的曙光 

Just leave this place behind,只要離開這個地方
I'll clear your bloodshot mind.我會清除佈滿血絲心靈
They only wanted your life on demand.他們只希望你在需求生活
This is a better way! 一個更好的辦法

They are standing by, no time to hide, no meeting half way.
他們待命,沒有時間隱藏 ,半路沒有會面
You were sucking life through the needles eye, this is a new day.你是通過針頭的眼睛吸取生活,這是新的一天。
And they have won...而且他們已經贏得了...... 

We will surrender now, or be outdone, left in the open.現在,我們將放棄也不甘示弱,讓這打開
It's the cooling of the risen, they are the future.冷卻著上升,他們是未來
The future...未來 ... ... 

When all your fears combined, the manifest was refined.你所有的恐懼結合提煉
顯明 。

I know you really tried to understand.我知道你真的試圖去理解
This is a new way!一種新的方式
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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