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Skrillex - In For The Kill [DUBSTEP]
2011/12/20 23:41:37瀏覽391|回應0|推薦0

We can fight our desires我們可以為我們的慾望爭鬥

Oooh but when we start making fires哦~但是當我們開始泛濫成災

We get ever so hot我們如此火熱

Oooh whether we like it or not哦,不管我們喜歡還是不喜歡

They say we can love who we trust他們說,我們可以愛誰,我們信任誰

Oooh but what is love without lust?哦,但什麼是沒有慾望的愛?

Two hearts with accurate devotions兩個準備奉獻的心

Oooh and what are feelings without emotions?哦~沒有情感的感受是什麼?

Let’s go to war讓我們去打仗

To make peace為了和平

Let's be cold讓我們冷酷

To create heat去創造熱

I’m going in for the kill我會痛下殺手

I’m doing it for a thrill我為快感做

Oh I’m hoping you’ll understand哦,我希望你會明白

And not let go of my hand (and not let go of my [2x])並沒有放開我的手(並沒有放開我[2X])

I had my hopes out on the line我有我的希望就行了

Oooh they'd be ready for you in time哦,他們會是時候為你準備好

If you leave them out too long如果你離開他們太久

Oooh they’ll be withered by the sun哦,他們將凋零太陽

Let’s go to war讓我們去打仗

To make peace為了和平

Let's be cold讓我們冷酷

To create heat去創造熱

I’m going in for the kill我會痛下殺手

I’m doing it for a thrill我為快感做

Oh I’m hoping you’ll understand哦,我希望你會明白

And not let go of my hand (and not let go of my [2x])並沒有放開我的手(並沒有放開我[2X])

歌詞來自- http://www.lololyrics.com/lyrics/15089.html#ixzz1h5abmA13
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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