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Red Velvet Line -Tonight今晚
2011/12/15 03:06:44瀏覽93|回應0|推薦0

Everytime that i'm alone counting the stars每次單獨星星
Something inside me is connected to the heart我內在東西相連
I just try to understand it我只是嘗試去了解它
I just try to live it我只是嘗試為此生
If i look into my past i need a break如果探尋我過去我需要休息
All my enemies are there but now i'm free我所有的敵人在,但現在我自由了
If i look into my past如果探尋我過去
I can see my pain...我可以看到我痛苦... ...

Tonight I'll try to see my face今晚我會嘗試看到我的臉
Tonight I swear, I'll win the race今晚我發誓我會贏得比賽
Nobody can control myself沒有可以控制自己
(I forgot my pain)我忘了我的痛苦
I need some air to breath again我需要一些呼吸空氣
I need to love somebody else我需要別人
I need to change, I need to live.我需要改變我要活下去

All alone i'm proudly walking through the night獨自一人自豪穿行夜間
Look at me, now i'm dancing in the light看看我,現在我光明中跳舞
I won't look into my past不會考慮我的過去
I forgot my pain!我忘了我的痛苦

Tonight I'll try to see my face今晚我會嘗試看到我的臉
Tonight I swear, I'll win the race今晚我發誓我會贏得比賽
Nobody can control myself沒有可以控制自己
(I forgot my pain)我忘了我的痛苦
I need some air to breath again我需要一些呼吸空氣
I need to love somebody else我需要別人
I need to change, I need to live.我需要改變我要活下去

And i'm waiting for tonight我等待今晚
I'm still waiting for my time to say goodbye我還在等待時機說再見
And i'm waiting,i'm still waiting我等著仍然在等待
And i'm waiting for my time to say goodbye..我在等說再見時機...

Tonight I'll try to see my face今晚我會嘗試看到我的臉
Tonight I swear, I'll win the race今晚我發誓我會贏得比賽
Nobody can control myself沒有可以控制自己
(I forgot my pain)我忘了我的痛苦
I need some air to breath again我需要一些呼吸空氣
I need to love somebody else我需要別人
I need to change, I need to live.我需要改變我要活下去
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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