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Waiting For The Night
2011/07/19 22:45:00瀏覽229|回應0|推薦2

I yell at the sunlight. I yell at the moonlight. I yell at the sunlight. I yell at the moonlight.
I yell at the sunlight. I yell at the moonlight. I yell at the sunlight. I yell at the moonlight.
I yell at the sunlight and I tell it to go away. I yell at the moonlight and I tell it to please stay.
I yell at the sunlight and I tell it to go away. I yell at the moonlight and I tell it to please stay.
I yell at the sunlight and I tell it to go away. I yell at the moonlight and I tell it to please stay.
I yell at the sunlight. I yell at the moonlight. I yell at the sunlight.
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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