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River Flows In You在你的河流
2011/01/08 21:17:14瀏覽291|回應0|推薦1

If you have the time如果你有時間

Come share the world with me快來和我一起分享世界

If you can't imagine如果你無法想像

We can both be free我們雙方都能自由

What I learned to do我學會了什麼

Is give my heart to you就是給我的心

So that you can always hold it close to you這樣你可以隨時拿著它靠近你

Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com 

Holding you, holding you抱著你抱著你

It's in you, the river flows in you它在你,在你的河流

Slowly now, oh slowly now現在慢慢地慢慢地現在

It's in you, the river flows in you (x2)它在你,在你的河流2次)

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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